[国际新闻] 赵承熙最后的目标:戈达德中3枪奇迹不死

5 a5 Z4 k/ K) i3 W& }4 N1 a6 }/ f戈氏事后受访讲述这次死里逃生的经过:「当时外面愈来愈嘈吵,枪手愈来愈近。诺瓦克教授(死者之一)探头去看个究竟,她随即扑回来,脸上露出恐怖神色,告诉我们伏在地上报警求救。」rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de! S/ x4 j# |) D6 e

; j' V( i" v8 y( v) z* drs238848.rs.hosteurope.de戈达德说,他打电话报警时赵已冲入课室,向他腿部开枪。「我头部伏在地面诈死。我想,若我看?他,他一定知道我还没死。他迫其他人走出课室并跑落楼梯,之后就随意向他们开枪。」其后,赵回来再向戈达德开枪。「我痛得大声尖叫并蠕动身体。我听到课室前有一至两下枪声,之后便是死寂一片」。赵向他开枪后便掉转枪头,对准自己头部开枪自杀。0 @  B3 r. z7 z; R* j9 z7 O) h

- Q( p% X0 F! L+ [! w. }rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de戈达德的祖父说:「枪手最初向他肩部开枪,因他将手放在头上保护头部。其后他拿起电话报警,未料枪手听到警员在电话中叫嚷,於是又回来再向他补上一枪。」
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人在德国 社区1 l+ ?% A) V  V1 ^: K
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UK-born student 'fooled' gunman( X1 w' {) h7 {. g( c0 v* C
A British-born student shot three times by US campus killer Cho Seung-Hui has described how he played dead to fool the gunman and then heard the mass killer shoot himself.
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7 l* ^- J2 k1 Y! l7 f" y/ BColin Lynam Goddard - whose father is British - was the last victim targeted in Monday's Virginia Tech rampage that left 33 dead.
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International studies student Mr Goddard gave his account to the Oprah Winfrey TV show, where he said he desperately tried to avoid eye contact with South Korean Cho as he lay on the floor of his French class.
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# t! @# X% g& z% Y5 h& C6 ?% pIncredibly, all three of the gunman's shots - in two separate bursts of fire - missed vital organs. Mr Goddard has now undergone surgery to bullet wounds in his leg, shoulder and buttock. As the 21-year-old student lay wounded, he heard Cho turn a gun on himself. 人在德国 社区5 O/ ~, A& F! f8 P$ C- Z+ `

# C  o4 O( q! P4 W$ V" u# t# A$ A& @Students initially dismissed the sound of gunfire as being building noise but Mr Goddard dialled 911 for police when his teacher saw Cho shooting in the hall. Seconds later Cho kicked his way into the classroom and began shooting. "Then I just looked on the ground and acted like I was dead," Mr Goddard said. rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de4 z0 T1 \' e0 Y# k& {, a  v! K

- k) _* z, X' v' k$ k7 G! z+ ^"I didn't want to make eye contact. I thought if I looked at him, then he would know I'm here, I'm alive, I've seen you, and I think I would be in a lot worse position than if I had done that." 2 U3 I$ r. C( Y% s: B+ w: b

" [6 P$ \  z; F/ ^2 J- IMr Goddard remained silent as the gunman walked through the rows of desks, shooting people at random. He came to Mr Goddard's side of the room and shot two people before Mr Goddard says he was shot in the knee. The killer returned to shoot again at Mr Goddard as he lay in agony on the floor. He said: "I squealed and I squirmed. I heard one or two more shots towards the front of the room and then it was quiet." 3 D* U$ n" k# S

( {% R6 I2 ]. |* Krs238848.rs.hosteurope.deThe image of a bloody Mr Goddard being dragged by police from the scene of destruction was recognised by his grandparents in Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire. Jeffrey and Ruth Goddard saw the picture as they scoured newspapers and television reports for information after hearing reports of the US' worst ever massacre.
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Mr Goddard, 78, said his grandson was in the middle of a lesson when his female teacher heard a noise outside the room and went to investigate. "He was shot a second time as he was calling the police on his mobile phone. He dropped it as he fell to the floor." . }  G0 o/ A: `: Q% x+ t# r3 j8 I# R

5 _* s  V( C* O& v4 t7 }/ rMr Goddard said his grandson was then shot in the back after the gunman heard police on the other end of the phone. The couple's son Andrew, 54, is an engineer who has lived in Richmond, Virginia, with his American wife Anne for a number of years. Anne Lynam Goddard is president of the Christian Children's Fund.

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Va. Tech survivor Colin Lynam Goddard and his family

Colin Lynam Goddard.jpg

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