[国际新闻] 墨西哥小姐参选环球小姐服装引发激烈争议

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( T3 m1 s) J3 D. d* [+ M  i  据英国广播公司报道,墨西哥小姐奥赫达(Rosa Maria Ojeda)原先的一套参选礼服的上半身是一件黑色的吊带短背心,小腹和腰肢裸露,腰部则系上了一条装了子弹的宽腰带,下身是一袭白色的印花长裙,引起争议的就是长裙上的图案。
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+ q1 s. H4 r1 M  墨西哥小姐奥赫达穿上这袭裙子公开亮相后,立即在墨西哥国内引起了激烈争议。而设计师马西亚斯说,他们是克里斯特罗的后人,不论人们是否愿意提起这个事件,它仍是墨西哥人的一部分。
" O0 B+ H# S: L3 j9 nrs238848.rs.hosteurope.de
0 e4 T6 h% W( ~3 U8 i1 u% T( Y  批评人士说,这个主题很不适合下月在墨西哥城举行的环球小姐选美,这些图像是“不恰当和低级趣味的”,这等于让美国小姐穿上三K党的长袍和面罩,拿着正在焚烧的十字架和啤酒罐。
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3 v7 I. w. S& O( J: _' T人在德国 社区  在5月28日举行的环节选美中,墨西哥小姐将穿上一袭印上圣母和参加克里斯特罗抗争妇女的图像。

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& T5 c. L# m$ ^MISS Mexico is redesigning her Miss Universe pageant dress - because it is too violent., @& D* e, J& C3 [

- T! r. j' e' ^% M  e  WThe floor-length dress, belted by bullets and including sketches of hangings and firing squads from Mexico's 1920s Catholic uprising, during which tens of thousands died, has outraged Mexicans.
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Critics said it glorified violence in a country where fighting between rival drug gangs has brought a wave of killings and beheadings. ' d* l; C5 u! q* T) z. n9 G$ W6 F

6 p3 O; r( o/ |+ p4 ^! q  ?人在德国 社区Designers who helped select the dress from among 30 for Rosa Maria Ojeda said they had wanted something that represented the nation's culture and history, especially since Mexico City is hosting the event in May.   }5 t( e( e) W: |3 {' Z

( ~- [! n7 j% c; N2 X! C' K"We wanted a dress that made you think of Mexico," selection committee member Hector Terrones said. 2 a, R, a& p5 _7 [0 o

, T( a' ~" f; |" d" \But many Mexicans were not happy about the sort of history the dress portrayed, especially at a time of debate about the Catholic Church's role in politics.
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: q9 Z* |+ b+ K"It's inappropriate to use images of this Cristero war that cost so many lives and was so pointless," writer Guadalupe Loaeza said.

Rosa Maria Ojeda.jpg (71.51 KB)

Dressed to kill ... Miss Mexico, Rosa Maria Ojeda

Rosa Maria Ojeda.jpg