[国际新闻] 美科罗拉多大学学生同情枪击犯惹众怒

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4 R! U9 H/ {- K, {% {& b4 p  综合媒体报道,这名叫卡尔森(Max Karson)的学生在课堂讨论弗吉尼亚理工大学校园枪击案时自称很了解为何赵承熙会枪杀32人。卡尔森说,生活上的一些小事,例如荧光灯泡或者没有上漆的墙壁,有时都会让他生气到想杀人。卡尔森的言论立即引起师生的极度不满,已有同学表示以后将不会与他同班上课。
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6 r  E! j! r) a' d- E: prs238848.rs.hosteurope.de  现年22岁的卡尔森当天被校警以“干扰学校师生”的罪名逮捕。卡尔森声称自己无罪,而他的父亲当天在接受媒体采访时表示,卡尔森的话可能遭到错误解读,同时称逮捕卡尔森涉嫌违反美国宪法有关言论自由的条款。
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6 d2 ], B# I; ]; T- O1 f1 J, ~, ~3 u, Qrs238848.rs.hosteurope.de  另外,在俄勒冈州一所大学,一名学生也因在校园枪击案发生后背着枪袋而被校警逮捕,随后这名学生被释放。警方之后表示,他们查明这个枪袋只是流行装饰品,这名学生并没有携带武器。但警方已将此物没收。

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; o3 C1 p% s% O0 t$ M% N. Q3 r9 _CU student arrested for comments人在德国 社区' i1 d! X; T5 P# i  q
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Boulder - A University of Colorado student has been arrested after making "threatening" comments in class that seemed sympathetic toward the gunman who killed 32 students at Virginia Tech, authorities said.
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Max Karson was arrested Tuesday on suspicion of interfering with staff, faculty or students of an education institution.
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9 A+ K. q6 g" oHis age and hometown were not available, and a university spokesman did not immediately return a call today to The Associated Press. " N) X7 D- ~" q1 T

7 f! f5 l) q4 P- q' A) L# D人在德国 社区University police Cmdr. Brad Wiesley said that during a class discussion of the Virginia Tech massacre, Karson "made comments about understanding how someone could kill 32 people."
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Several witnesses told investigators that Karson said he was "angry about all kinds of things, from the fluorescent light bulbs to the unpainted walls, and it made him angry enough to kill people," according to a police report.
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' h# N% l! o" Z' j- ]Wiesley said others in the class interpreted Karson's statements as threats.
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"More than one student said they were afraid," Wiesley said. "They said they were afraid of him and afraid to come to class with him."
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Michael Karson, Max Karson's father, told the Boulder Daily Camera that his son's comments may have been misinterpreted.
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The elder Karson questioned whether his son's free-speech rights had been violated. rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de( j- A' K2 Q' g. K8 b

3 y/ L# `, a3 q; W"I would have hoped that state officials would know their First Amendment better than they seem to," he said.

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Max Karson

Max Karson.jpg

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