[国际新闻] 校长偷情 光盘全都录

美国芝加哥一所小学日前爆发「非常光盘」事件,学校理监事改选前夕,校长分别与一名女老师以及女性教师助理在校长室内偷情的录像带画面被匿名四处寄发给家长,引发喧然大波的校长与两名女老师已先后请辞。- \  |3 H: _; ~) D  u$ ~  _6 Q/ ^+ f
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芝加哥小学校长柯曼和女老师珍妮·罗芙顿在办公室上演激情戏码,两人站着、坐着拥吻的画面,被不明人士安装的针孔录像机录下,录像带曝光后两人辞职。; T6 N9 F5 l5 s( |' J8 _- V) c0 \: R2 w8 Y

$ H, w5 K# x( B1 G" X( ^[ 本帖最后由 日月光 于 2007-4-14 16:50 编辑 ]

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校长偷情 光盘全都录


Sandridge principal, teacher resign amid sex scandal
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The Times- R5 L% X; I2 J! z. O2 b

* j% H9 @$ m7 ]5 d: Y8 M- XBLOOM TOWNSHIP | Sandridge Elementary School Principal Leroy Coleman and teacher Janet Lofton resigned Thursday after copies of DVD recordings of them being sexually intimate at school were sent to parents, officials and The Times.2 r) \0 b' g/ d: p
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Sandridge District 172 School Board Attorney John Izzo said Coleman and Lofton submitted their letters of resignation. Coleman cited health issues, and Lofton indicated illness in the family as the reasons for their departures. Both resignations are effective immediately.
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5 `# T$ x8 [, @  xLofton could not be reached for comment. Coleman declined comment.% b9 Z4 o! ^/ w, O8 ?9 U7 P8 Q2 z

( F: f' F! G/ l  ^/ l"I'd rather, at this point, have no comment," he said as he left Sandridge shortly before noon. He said he knew nothing about the video recording.人在德国 社区3 Y9 ?  A- q( n) v

2 K; ~$ R# o0 `7 q' j2 X"I have to find out what's going on," he said.人在德国 社区( O  M- s, r! p

: }1 ?$ B( a. |7 I* S' Drs238848.rs.hosteurope.deBoth Lofton and Coleman reportedly are married to other people.rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de9 j* C* L, U& x5 k
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Earlier in the day, Sandridge Elementary School parents were busy contacting state and suburban Cook County education officials, Sandridge board members, Superintendent Diane Dyer-Dawson and media representatives after they had watched the DVD recording of Coleman and Lofton engaged in sexual activity in his office at school.rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de) m+ L5 m: N! F; x& y' ]- R
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Parents Kim Grivakis and Rosie Solis were among those who received a padded envelope containing the DVD in their mailboxes at home Wednesday. The package did not have a return address but was postmarked as being mailed from Flossmoor. It contained the note: "Sandridge District 172 Principal makes porn in school office with staff members during school hours."# _7 s7 H" I- \  n

) F$ d! T6 K4 N2 o9 I3 ^Some Sandridge teachers also received the recording, as did The Times and suburban Cook County Regional Superintendent Robert Ingraffia.
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0 i$ n: C% Z8 IThe recording showed Coleman and Lofton engaged in sexual activity in Coleman's office during school hours and after school on different dates in December and January. It also showed Coleman hugging and caressing another Sandridge staff member on a separate occasion.
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Grivakis and Solis, who have been at odds with Coleman during his time as Sandridge's principal, said they were shocked by what they saw and said it should not have happened while at school when children were in the building.

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校长偷情 光盘全都录
