[国际新闻] 美校园枪击案枪手为韩国裔人士

" U, q7 w' {- T- G) q, a( v3 K7 }( J5 \: X' D) T
报道说,他的名字是赵诚辉(音译,Cho Seung-Hui)。
; _. x" M! K8 w' I! F- W+ J0 ]" v
+ N6 b' X- B6 f- O* l6 ^$ ]5 e主管弗吉尼亚理工大学警务的负责人在周二当地早上的一次记者会中宣布了这项消息。 : L+ f( k+ Q  R. L+ M
1 q) h) E2 }, l! S+ _2 S4 h- \
: E  c! m$ y9 W& [) ?4 z
4 B$ v2 z  n' k- n/ i- n. A有关方面已经在枪击现场检获两柄手枪。经检验证实,其中一柄手枪用于校园内发生的两次枪击事件。
9 u' h' b( S2 e- h! j9 o5 ]/ @人在德国 社区& u+ S* @. A* ?' B* ]' e+ }
弗吉尼亚理工大学在周一发生了两次枪击事件,其中相隔大约两小时。 0 g1 ?5 ^! q  ^6 I6 O" ^
rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de" X3 x. V8 Y( A
; S) ~9 E3 o- M: ^
* P' h! j  @( B8 }# J) b人在德国 社区美国当局目前尚未正式界定两次枪击事件有直接关联。不过,弗吉尼亚州警方发言人说,有理由假定两次事件乃同一名学生所为。
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S.Korean student blamed for U.S. shooting rampage

BLACKSBURG, Va. (Reuters) - The gunman who killed 32 people and then himself at Virginia Tech university on Monday was identified by police on Tuesday as Cho Seung-Hui, a South Korean studying at the university.人在德国 社区3 Q9 I6 G! T* k! Z. c# B3 |! z
7 K7 ]: V* i4 C1 E+ e
Police said Cho was 23 and was studying English literature. They gave no motive for the shooting rampage, the worst in U.S. history.
3 M3 u: [. ?  S5 ~( ^0 A6 E人在德国 社区, I; p' x, h4 \* h- U) [4 L
Police said one of two guns recovered was used in both of the two separate shooting incidents at the campus that killed a total of 33 people, including Cho.
8 N- I; ^$ n8 h& x- M9 A7 ~人在德国 社区
, X' k+ p1 p5 x- a( Z9 c人在德国 社区"The evidence has not led us to say with all certainty that the same shooter was involved in both shootings," Steven Flaherty, superintendent of the Virginia State Police, told a news conference.人在德国 社区2 m# S; V% A0 n
: t( L$ A3 ?( P- }7 ~
"It's certainly reasonable for us to assume that Cho was the shooter in both places."
8 v& s& J. i1 e" B- G; S" R" s* }8 q/ p  [( U
Victims were found in at least four classrooms as well as a stairwell, he said.7 K7 D2 S. \1 j% C. U4 p

& o' q9 j4 y4 d+ v" x4 Drs238848.rs.hosteurope.de"The gunman was discovered among several of the victims in one of the classrooms," Flaherty said. "He had taken his own life."
1 }. q! [1 G7 S8 G+ F/ Q. z  Q5 ^# I' ^3 e2 m
The rampage sent the sprawling rural campus, where there are more than 25,000 full-time students, into shock and grief.rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de. b/ ^9 z) l2 V6 c
人在德国 社区' d( e0 V/ U( X, P6 }: V
President George W. Bush and first lady Laura Bush were to attend a memorial service at Virginia Tech later on Tuesday.
( R+ p' q" w7 I
; [8 s( u" w# X5 Mrs238848.rs.hosteurope.deTelevision images of terrified students and police dragging out bloody victims revived memories of the Columbine High School massacre in 1999 and were likely to renew heated debate about America's gun laws.人在德国 社区6 h# t8 g# j& l- G1 [

/ L& L: |, Y& i' M5 T/ \" [0 F0 ]人在德国 社区Police said the gunman appeared to have used chains to lock doors and prevent victims from escaping. Fifteen people were wounded, including those shot and students hurt jumping from windows in a desperate attempt to flee the gunfire.人在德国 社区& w" B5 ?& `/ X, L6 {" b' p
+ T- Z/ ~) e. N+ n
Many students expressed anger that they were not warned of any danger until more than two hours after the first attack at a dormitory - and then only in an e-mail from the university.
1 d" l5 {, u) `0 C. X% b2 @7 G/ g) g7 i
"We knew that there was a shooting but we thought it was confined to a particular setting," Charles Steger, the university president, said on Monday.' o2 r& N( B3 E3 t3 x) Q

9 Q5 c5 m) z' Z- o+ e0 r0 m, XSteger defended campus police from criticism they failed to take adequate safety measures after the first shooting.rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de9 ]* i& \. ^9 F
" G% k3 F" O5 A7 ]5 ^! R  k4 H
"They have worked very professionally and handled this as skillfully as anybody might be able to do it," he said.人在德国 社区) s  c+ o( @7 i) }! z, q8 B5 s2 L
人在德国 社区. ?0 C  R% S% J% X- y
The first shooting was reported to campus police at about 7:15 a.m. (1115 GMT) in West Ambler Johnston Hall, a dormitory housing some 900 students. Two hours later, dozens of shots were fired a half-mile away at Norris Hall, site of the science and engineering school.
+ v. P9 k  G9 [! g- ^) Z/ H! f' d) {1 v4 ^! q) P
Authorities have not released the names of the victims but Israeli media reported one of the dead was Liviu Librescu, an Israeli citizen and engineering professor at the university.


弗吉尼亚理工大学校长思迪格尔形容这次枪击事件“令人难以理解的,是极其邪恶的”。他说,这所大学遭受了“巨大的悲剧”。: W3 q" ]3 \* j! S% x
人在德国 社区: P1 Q  v7 i# {8 y% ~
[ 本帖最后由 日月光 于 2007-4-17 16:45 编辑 ]

Charles Steger, the university president.jpg (44.82 KB)


Charles Steger, the university president.jpg

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Virginia Tech.jpg

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the shooting rampage, the worst in U.S. history.jpg

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0 s3 W0 q' K+ [7 c. r$ Z" y( A( P' w- Y& I
[ 本帖最后由 日月光 于 2007-4-17 17:07 编辑 ]

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Virginia Tech2.jpg


是赵诚辉(音译,Cho Seung-Hui)。
. K1 l, S- d4 k7 i' r' C人在德国 社区
- l; B9 R% x- x4 J' x: N[ 本帖最后由 日月光 于 2007-4-17 18:57 编辑 ]

Cho Seung-hui.jpg (69.86 KB)

是赵诚辉(音译,Cho Seung-Hui)。

Cho Seung-hui.jpg

Cho Seung-hui2.jpg (22.79 KB)

Cho Seung-hui2.jpg



2 @" v" ]) d* V
+ U2 d' y3 J( _& ?3 O- f据悉,赵承熙在他上小学时移民到美国,现在是弗吉尼亚理工大学英文系4年级学生。警方说,嫌疑犯赵承熙身份证上的地址在弗吉尼亚州Centerville,他一直在该校的宿舍里生活。
, B6 C) |) s+ w$ i% W4 {& [/ h& G/ b# ^; C. @0 V0 {; Q8 N
华盛顿邮报网络版17日报道说,嫌疑犯的父母住在弗吉尼亚州Fairfax。该地区位于华盛顿哥伦比亚特区(Washington D.C.)附近,是许多韩裔居住的地方。
& s! U$ l8 d3 c, q* s, K人在德国 社区
* m; x, F2 y7 M( o+ r" p( p. G人在德国 社区韩国外交部从美国方面接到有关嫌疑犯的个人信息后,17日下午召开了紧急对策会议。

Cho Seung-Hui.jpg (17.95 KB)

This undated black-and-white photo provided by the Fairfax County, Va. Public Schools

Cho Seung-Hui.jpg



在美国弗吉尼亚工学院4月16日发生美国史上最严重的枪击案之后,弗吉尼亚工学院校长查尔斯﹒施特格发表了一份声明。声明全文如下: ; q/ Q7 _* ]. c% y( f7 O
人在德国 社区# X% O: I- ?8 g9 G2 N6 v& ^
  今天,我们的学校发生了一起重大悲剧。两起枪击案在我们学校发生,每一起都有人遇难。 人在德国 社区* @/ S0 U( Z* r+ k

' |3 [7 e; e+ v  这一枪击事件震惊了整个校园。校方将全力和全体师生一道应对“这场严重的悲剧”… rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de% ~* ~5 b: r9 e( L8 |
   rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de5 Z( i  I, W5 n! r: d) g! C/ a
  对于发生在我们身上的这件事情,整个学校感到震惊和骇然。我想向所有受害者的家人表达我最真挚的同情。 人在德国 社区  e9 x9 [6 h! G) Y5 j
3 e* l1 ]( j0 J: ^4 C9 |
  我们现在还在通知这些受害者的近亲。校警、联邦调查局和弗吉尼亚州警方正在对犯罪现场进行调查。 rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de5 s5 L% y5 W& Y7 o8 Q
/ ?& H, Z* r4 a0 W7 b4 K. y
4 N* T8 t- ^! f2 ?2 ars238848.rs.hosteurope.de
. H, d9 }- g3 j  下面是我们迄今为止知道的一些事实:今天早上7点15分,有人拨打了911电话报警。在西安姆伯勒﹒约翰斯顿宿舍楼,有数人成为枪击案的受害者。我们对这起枪击案的调查还在进行之中,两个小时后,从诺里斯楼又传来枪声。警方立刻做出回应。 rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de! e- }4 R9 Z; Z/ m5 w! S

# ~5 ^  y; u7 i1 [4 j0 ?  诺里斯楼的枪手已经死亡。除他之外,还有很多人也死了,死亡人数还未最后确认。伤者被送往附近的医院接受紧急治疗。一旦我们查明受害者的身份,我们将和他们的近亲取得联系。今天的所有课程已经取消,大学也已经关闭。 rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de9 T" E" \0 C* X* \- D/ e2 ]
/ r, m% a5 _1 I, K

7 J' a8 ^& l* h! J) K) ars238848.rs.hosteurope.de% ]+ ?- p/ `9 c: F- E
The following is a statement issued by Virginia Tech President Charles Steger on Monday afternoon after the fatal shootings in Blacksburg, Va. 9 h$ p/ ^7 }9 {  O# T) O9 E/ S

0 F- P( O+ F( y5 i. ?( @0 y0 @, XWell, today the university was struck with a tragedy that we consider of monumental proportions. There were two shootings which occurred on campus. In each case there were fatalities. The university is shocked and indeed horrified that this would befall us, and I want to extend my deepest and most sincere and profound sympathy to the families of these victims, which include our students.
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. d1 }$ B0 P4 \) X9 L, y) crs238848.rs.hosteurope.de8 u" k" f2 O2 S* v/ w/ l
0 N9 |9 H* ~, j5 |* K# T/ D
We are currently in the process of notifying next of kin. The Virginia Tech police are being assisted by numerous other jurisdictions including Montgomery County. Crime scenes are being investigated by the university police, the FBI and the state police.
  l% Q6 }" u- B/ J4 W& ~% n/ Z+ I% ]& z

) b9 H; m- z) C人在德国 社区
( Y  J1 f4 j( X7 j+ I/ T人在德国 社区We continue to work to identify the victims that have been impacted by this tragedy. I cannot begin to convey my own personal sense of loss over this senseless and incomprehensible heinous act. The university will immediately set up counseling centers. So far, centers have been identified in Ambler Johnston and the Cook counseling center to work with our campus community and their families.
" p* ~, y2 E* T2 \1 h
( N2 u5 H5 V% W% |, d9 p7 vrs238848.rs.hosteurope.de6 d/ p1 ~( A# X& @4 l

! F5 ?5 t0 a1 J$ Z0 Lrs238848.rs.hosteurope.deNow here are some of the facts as we know them. At about 7:15 this morning, a 911 call came to the university police department concerning an event in West Ambler Johnston Hall. There were multiple shooting victims. While in the process of investigating, about two hours later, the university received reports of a shooting in Norris Hall. The police immediately responded.
0 X9 \( d/ M' q" g6 ]" \0 n; x* drs238848.rs.hosteurope.de人在德国 社区! `$ ~) f! e/ W' |( M2 {2 r8 e

, p* M  k' @5 g" o5 N- T; |  Z
! ]  s# X$ p" L; X, z2 m0 vrs238848.rs.hosteurope.deThe shooter in Norris Hall is deceased. There are multiple fatalities. The number of fatalities has not been confirmed. Victims have been transported to various hospitals in the immediate area in the region to receive emergency treatment. And we will proceed to contact the next of kin as the victims' identities are available. All classes are canceled and the university is closed for the remainder of the day. - C& z6 k  v' x5 D$ {/ |, g4 S% y
8 C  }2 g2 X3 A

( @) V7 v/ z0 w" }4 @5 k4 W/ w9 Yrs238848.rs.hosteurope.de
5 ?/ t+ F6 `) i/ x3 r# Rrs238848.rs.hosteurope.deThe university will open tomorrow at 8:00 a.m., but classes will be canceled on Tuesday. The police are currently staging the release of people from campus buildings. Families wishing to reunite with their students are suggested to meet at the Inn at Virginia Tech, the building that we're in today. Were making plans for a convocation tomorrow at noon in Cassell Coliseum for the university to come together to begin the healing process from this terrible tragedy. rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de6 z1 A2 j. M7 T+ k. c0 J% a" o/ u6 w
人在德国 社区2 @/ b9 g: R) Q
' }2 n/ w# u* {  D
9 ]$ v( G5 N2 c& z4 q
That ends my prepared comments.