[国际新闻] 英国17岁少女成“超级败家子”

英国17岁少女拉切尔日前趁着家人外出度假之际,在网上发帖,邀请40位朋友来家中参加狂欢派对。让她始料未及的是,该请帖遭人窜改后迅速流传开来,她家竟然来了200名“客人”! # F: S' w; H/ M

$ P+ r: n' x8 Q) ]8 Y) `! E人在德国 社区  网上请帖遭遇恶搞
8 @& x' K* R3 J; c# g8 E/ J9 B* Ars238848.rs.hosteurope.de
- w' J/ [- x& q. [8 a6 w人在德国 社区  拉切尔·贝尔与母亲同住一套价值30万英镑的独立别墅。几天前,母亲伊莱恩·贝尔决定带3个小点的孩子外出欢度复活节。当母亲一行前脚离开家门,她后脚便在网上发布帖子:“请来我家参加一个迪斯科派对。时间定为4月9日晚上10点。”该帖子一经发布,立即有好事者将其窜改为:“欢迎来我家的迪斯科派对捣乱破坏。”随后,这则帖子迅速在网站上被广为转载。
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  200舞会“客人”闹翻天 + ]0 T5 D. @" p5 Q

7 U: N! [+ Z+ G. `) x5 \' L* Y5 h) i, Grs238848.rs.hosteurope.de  4月9日晚上,当拉切尔喜笑颜开地开门迎客时,不禁傻了眼。原来,她只向40名要好的朋友发出邀请,可是当天到场的“客人”竟然多达200个!
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6 S0 O$ }1 j9 E, K# k4 q4 ?  这些“不速之客”几乎全是远近闻名的街头小混混。不期而至的众宾客一下子将原本宽敞的四房二厅挤得满满当当。这些“派对动物”有的攀上吊灯荡起秋千,有的爬上屋顶嬉笑追逐,还有的索性穿上主人的衣服,在院子里追打疯闹。次日凌晨4时,这场历时6个小时的疯狂派对才宣告结束。面对如同“战场”一般的家,拉切尔顿时瘫软在地,欲哭无泪。 rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de- q9 \2 y+ Q9 a- |- a8 {6 J

4 l# A! Z# Q) Y' P9 `$ W) q9 R- x) Y人在德国 社区  3万英镑家什毁于一旦 5 ~$ ?8 Q. t0 m) n$ h0 Y

3 A* n) I9 l7 }1 f( S人在德国 社区  4月12日,当伊莱恩结束度假从外面回来时,惊讶地发现家中一片狼藉。据粗略统计,全部损失高达3万英镑(约合人民币46万元)!
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( R: A3 K- t( @" l1 R2 n'I'm so sorry' says teen whose party wrecked family home+ A4 T3 D2 n2 y) r3 X

; h5 w: x' U8 Z5 x/ ers238848.rs.hosteurope.deThe girl who invited teenagers from across the country to come to a wild party and 'trash' her parents' house claimed that it wasn't her fault.
5 q, [( Z8 Y1 F# S7 T6 I人在德国 社区# b' x- ?2 P$ O) y# ^( e- q
Rachael Bell, 17, is still too scared to face her parents.
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But she did break her silence to apologise for the drink-and-drugs fuelled bash that caused £20,000 damage to her family home. 7 H0 ?+ R. @) B
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Around 200 revellers ran amok while her parents were away after the "let's trash the average family-sized house all-night disco party" was advertised on the Internet.
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Rachael admitted planning a "small gathering for about 60 people" but claimed sixth-form classmates hacked into her MySpace site and advertised it as a wild 'Skins' party, named after the TV teen drama whose characters indulge freely in alcohol and drugs.
: X8 G8 i/ x/ |rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de人在德国 社区6 V- A' |( N: ]
Mother-of-four Elaine Bell and her husband Alan, both 48, were at the family home in Houghton-le-Spring, near Sunderland, still wondering what to do about the mess and still not talking to their daughter, who is staying with friends. 7 X3 ]$ T3 x9 O; ^& i

' y* R* k  r9 M4 q& f. r人在德国 社区Rachael could not summon the courage to face them.
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) T( m" Q6 A2 Z7 i1 iInstead she told her local newspaper: "I'm really, really sorry about what's happened. I totally regret it. 6 ^6 y/ n5 x+ [6 [, \7 L5 _

5 l7 Z3 |) O& j"It was just supposed to be a party with a few friends and it turned into a complete nightmare. I'm sorry, Mum.

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Rachael Bell.jpg

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Venue: the Bell family home in Houghton-le-Spring, Durham

the Bell family home.jpg

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