[国际新闻] 德国神奇自行车 7人同骑有利交友

德国神奇自行车 7人同骑有利交友rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de# Q; N3 ~: [5 M! n% z9 V

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6 D6 }, ]" G" k3 w+ c! J$ l一家德国公司最近制造出了一种具有7个座位的新型三轮自行车。  
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: R$ @0 E* z. x# A9 }4 n- jrs238848.rs.hosteurope.de  由于骑车者围坐一圈就像开会一样,所以这种新型自行车也被戏称作是“会议自行车”。不过发明者斯泰勒更愿意将这种自行车称作是“微笑机器”,他认为这是最具有社交性的交通工具。  - U8 ]7 u0 b  p8 a
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8 _8 i, M  O- [. x4 DA seven-seater bicycle to bring back the joy of riding
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# R- G/ j, _: L' D1 |) M% VLondon, Apr 6: A Dutch inventor has built a bicycle that can seat seven people.   
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# q- q3 t! H8 {) KThe ConferenceBike, or CoBi, features seven seats in a circle and can travel at a maximum speed of 15mph. - J) J! c. S! h: L7 _2 l; E$ x
人在德国 社区( S! k, I! P  v* h- s
The German-made bike has Porsche-engineered steering, foot pedal-controlled hydraulic brakes, a separate parking brake and lights.
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% E# V' A/ ?# z- [人在德国 社区All seven riders can pedal, although the bike, which uses three motorbike wheels, can still move if one or more riders fancy a breather. But one of the riders always has to man the steering wheel.
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Though the bike costs a whopping 5500 pounds plus shipping, Eric Staller, its inventor from Amsterdam believes it will be a success as it is the world's most sociable mode of transport.
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"People need this bike. I think people are ready to get out of their cars and off their sofas and get silly. It lowers inhibitions and after a few minutes even complete strangers begin talking to each other. People have even fallen in love on these bikes. And you move along on your own energy - renewable energy," the Daily Mail quoted Staller as saying.
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) ~/ V9 t/ M8 q8 Q- {1 V' m8 J[ 本帖最后由 日月光 于 2007-4-7 15:29 编辑 ]

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