[国际新闻] 7/7/07结婚充满乐趣

全年最旺7月7日美国结婚人潮破纪录$ w) A, o6 W3 X- C# L
9 f; A" J) b& P6 s" o( Z
今年7月7日可能是全年的最旺结婚日子,至少在美国如此。由于当天适逢周六,更加带旺在当天举行婚礼的热潮。美国一个代客筹办婚礼的网站指出,它已收到三万一千多宗生意预订。而新人行婚礼的热门地点拉斯韦加斯,各教堂已作好一切准备,迎接这个好日子。7 l! B) e5 V5 {" G: e. A
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+ H) o3 p+ J' J( m* Z0 m人在德国 社区' O" \6 J/ z5 X9 a
  来自麻省的24岁准新娘亨德里克森形容,成为7/7/07新娘子充满乐趣,希望未来丈夫对这个特别的结婚周年日子永世难忘。她道出不少准新人的心声说:三个七的日子是幸运日,简直是完美的配搭。在赌城拉斯韦加斯,当地一向是准新人选择行礼的热门地点,7.7.7效应更带旺在当天结婚的热潮。整个赌城的教堂计划在当天延长服务时间,以应付结婚人潮。3 w$ i- R! @0 i3 Z' p

1 j/ A4 q( k3 E- G4 n. {人在德国 社区  其中一间行礼的热门教堂Graceland,已对预订人潮应接不暇,当天的开放时间将由早上8时至午夜,每隔15钟便举行一次婚礼。拉斯韦加斯的会议展览及游客中心指出,对赌城来说,7.7.7是充满幸运的数字,因此很多人选择在这个富有纪念性的日子到赌城结婚。
7 B  {# w1 y2 M7 ~5 l+ }# \( u
' Z# J( Y$ _: _; }人在德国 社区  赌城的酒店在当天为新人准备特别的菜单庆祝,例如Ritz-Carlton酒店,特别推出幸运三条七套餐,售价分777或7707美元两种。Ritz-Carlton说,现时每周平均接到两至六个电话,查询当天在酒店结婚的事宜,迄今已接到至少两宗婚宴预订。! V+ l+ j0 T% r. I* X

/ e. w( q. H5 n+ v4 UGood luck coupling July 7 with a wedding date
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Celebrity watchers say Eva Longoria plans to marry Tony Parker July 7, hoping the special 07-07-07 date brings the couple luck.
/ B% _# L8 O. I
9 N9 E! p5 b3 xIf so, the "Desperate Housewives" actress and the NBA player are just the tip of the proverbial iceberg -- or seven-layer cake -- according to Susan Hepperle, general manager at Town & Country Caterers in Lansdowne.
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"I've never seen such a stink made over a date," she said, having fielded requests for "everything in sevens" since last fall.rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de8 K! Q1 t4 H8 H$ X8 q$ d% u

3 w0 |( u4 f+ x7 d) g! t3 aThat includes more than the hour and number of bridesmaids, groomsmen and cake layers.
5 |: W1 a: ?/ W* C
% u! a! w9 E7 H8 X: ~+ Mrs238848.rs.hosteurope.deOne couple wanted Seagram's 7 whiskey and 7-Up soda in their beverage fountain.rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de- v7 D& T  |! }3 x2 ^
  q% D1 E* T! Q" M
"We've had call, after call, after call, after call, just looking for this date," said Hepperle, who long ago booked the maximum four receptions Town & Country can handle in one day." {, l6 b* H- x/ T6 }6 x- V5 r

9 B! T) r% W3 Y; Q; y  [1 G- S"All I'm hearing is that triple sevens is a lucky number," she said. "One guy actually said it's a roll of the dice with getting married."( W( {- I. ]- w4 Z  V, s2 A

4 T9 N3 I. n3 K; X+ `' |rs238848.rs.hosteurope.deAccording to the wedding planning Web site www.theknot.com, May, June, September and October are the popular months for marching down the aisle.
8 ~# p6 Z& a$ Krs238848.rs.hosteurope.de
: v5 M8 _! A* Z+ ?+ \* RBut this year, July has joined the field.  x' Y: A5 l1 l% F; O

5 I* y! [% y! _7 w8 R' tIn Catonsville, SugarBakers bakery owner Jamie Williams noticed the trend, as 15 wedding cakes were booked for July 7.人在德国 社区; k* F* M) W8 Y8 d: @

7 i" {+ f2 C# m) W5 ~+ Wrs238848.rs.hosteurope.de"And we have a bunch more pending," she said, adding that a cash deposit finalizes a booking.人在德国 社区, A! ]2 k! K: @1 ~- `) r

0 K4 ?+ S  D$ T. P, J5 o人在德国 社区Although her bakery specializes in wedding cakes and stays busy all year, often with more than 50 orders in a single weekend, Williams knows that July 7 is special this year.
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6 @# V% D. J* U8 H6 c"I've heard from brides that it's supposed to be some kind of magic day, 7-7-7; it's supposed to be good luck," she said, noting that many of her clients said they had trouble finding an available reception site.
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5 n" M. ~2 c" B7 XFor Whitehouse Caterers receptionist Judy Ganz, the date's appeal surfaced by accident last year.人在德国 社区& R; q9 [1 s) w' n
+ V- _& d2 w4 f( m5 z
A couple came in wanting a Saturday in June 2007 at Whitehouse's home base, Overhills Mansion in Catonsville.# O+ u$ w% R8 F1 j* i2 A' F
# ~0 B9 c2 [1 B' I5 n
With none open, Ganz found herself recommending the first Saturday in July as an easy date to remember: 07-07-07.
; Y6 a) |: U  G/ e/ I! @/ `
/ ?8 ^, ^7 ]" C"That was the first time we'd realized it," she said, adding that Whitehouse staff typically check the calendar each year for possible trends.
/ F2 k6 {2 G' \" y6 j
& o  G! J4 {6 H' Brs238848.rs.hosteurope.deA short time later, Ganz saw an overwhelming demand for July 7.
# j( z+ j& [: i, ^6 S
* @, r# V7 m. j/ g$ V2 }; E" irs238848.rs.hosteurope.de"It's the most popular date for this year," she said.) l0 B! M! _6 ?) K* \( P  j
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For reasons yet unexplained, however, couples wanting a sacred wedding venue should have no trouble finding several.
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Receptionists and clergy at more than a dozen Protestant and Catholic churches in Catonsville and greater Arbutus reported no demand for July 7. The date was still open and available on their calendars as of last week.
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/ w/ [! X% J, A6 o" ^) KSimilarly, Cy's of Catonsville had no overwhelming July 7 demand for grooms' wear. The store doesn't carry bridal apparel.$ V4 H& j+ A9 p3 R. U% f& V
* B7 ?% E" M* e" g3 w& q& q# n8 @. K
"That would be a cool time to get married, but nobody has come here yet," said Paul Delivuk, who manages the store's tuxedo rentals.
: ?' S# X* A  Q$ t8 v& M
: m  x/ G! v# S( s8 m7 L5 FHe anticipates last-minute planning from the grooms involved, as "guys are poky."
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8 F. c9 Y5 S4 z' H+ N4 ?9 {. a人在德国 社区Williams agreed, saying brides tend to book a reception location first, then a cake.' i8 L* H- P; j8 f- U5 t' N

0 V7 m; R! }# o7 o"I don't even like to take cake orders unless they have a site," she said.
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At Arbutus Library, where manager Gail Ross' 1960s wedding gown is on display with a collection of books, magazines and CDs on wedding planning and etiquette, July 7 is magic.
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"That's a big Harry Potter date," Ross said, referring to J.K. Rowling's popular series about a boy with magical powers. "That's Harry's birthday."
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Book 7, "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows," will be released in July, although not July 7 as planned, according to Rowling's Web site.人在德国 社区1 s7 ?6 g" Y% J+ e3 C1 g

6 V+ k  Y5 f' R; tLibrary circulation manager Carolyn Ovelgone created the wedding display simply to show how many resources the library offers on a particular subject, Ross said.
2 ~  g' s1 g# \8 prs238848.rs.hosteurope.de( d/ c: _8 c6 _$ P0 b+ R
Ross and her husband, Bruce, chose Aug. 24, 1969, for their wedding because their Randallstown synagogue was free that day, and both families were available to attend.. Z7 _2 O! I0 l+ e/ M
rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de4 N+ G$ N- G! ~) a4 E) U: n0 ~
Those numbers were lucky enough -- the marriage is still going strong, she said.rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de" S0 |+ l- z( j* |

1 e. e4 o  {9 t+ W/ h$ c"I don't get the big deal," said Hepperle, who has had more requests for July 7 this year than she could count.
( m  E# h) F% @; x3 F8 {) B; m
! ~4 D; X  ?5 K3 N) C"As long as it gets me more business, I don't care."rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de7 ]5 O. R/ t( K2 k4 B, t
( a6 z: y& c7 V7 e# K& r: N- y

ACF1680.jpg (23.24 KB)

Gail Ross, the manager of the Arbutus Library, stands next to the wedding gown she wore in 1969 ...
