[国际新闻] 英国政府提议设立奴隶贸易纪念日

在《废除奴隶贸易法案》通过200周年纪念日前夕,英国政府23日提议,为这一事件设立固定的纪念日,但仍拒绝就英国当年的奴隶贸易行径正式道歉。$ e1 r) x6 s& s' {  ~

1 v) ]1 c) M) C7 G4 z  英国副首相约翰·普雷斯科特当天表示,将设立固定的纪念日,让公众记住英国在奴隶贸易中的所作所为。他透露,纪念日将定在6月。
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  普雷斯科特说:“就像讨论二战时期纳粹分子对犹太人的大屠杀一样,人们开始比较公开、诚实地面对奴隶贸易了。”人在德国 社区1 u# ]8 P9 C# R: N

, j, |8 d3 i( H" H5 B9 J3 brs238848.rs.hosteurope.de  他说:“知道英国在历史上参与过这些事情,让人感到震惊和恐怖,奴隶贸易是如此残酷……我们需要告诉人们历史真相,包括好的、不好的,还有恐怖的。”! n4 X6 V. _5 {0 w  }% a; A  T
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' k  F' A, T6 Z4 s3 w- P  英国首相布莱尔21日曾表示,他对英国过去参与奴隶贸易感到抱歉,表示英国当时的做法“完全不可接受”。但英国政府迄今为止仍然拒绝就此正式道歉。
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2 Z0 G% y# c" V. g3 S人在德国 社区  历史学家估计,从1700年到19世纪初期,英国商人经由大西洋,从非洲贩卖了约300万名黑人奴隶。从1450年到1850年,欧洲国家共贩卖了约2100万名黑人奴隶,其中英国商人扮演了主要角色。" d" f' h$ l6 C- A- H5 Y% q
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! @$ w# K3 k' b- RCommemoration day to mark UK slave trade role
+ l, @5 C0 z. d- Q  B1 {  uAN annual commemoration day will be held to recall Britain's role in the slave trade, deputy prime minister John Prescott said. ! }0 @/ V# S9 T) ^, m

8 A1 }4 L2 O  e* @0 P% _The news came as the Government today announced freed victims of human trafficking are to be granted the right to stay in Britain temporarily. . `* P0 M5 x0 D% m) }- m7 c
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Mr Prescott said that he expected the commemoration day to take place along with the rest of Europe in June to help counter modern-day human trafficking.
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"Like the Holocaust, we are learning to talk about the slave trade openly and more honestly," he reportedly said.
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: }1 U1 Y4 V9 G+ U! [* l8 m人在德国 社区"Tragic and terrible as it was, the slave trade defied anyone to discuss it because it was so horrendous." 8 N  _" J5 [+ U6 F; F& v, r

1 D- H; O0 p7 l' J! U( N5 u) H0 ~, J4 FThe Home Office was today set to announce plans to sign the European Convention on Action Against Trafficking in Human Beings.
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The agreement offers victims - such as women who are sold into the sex trade - the right to at least 30 days' grace after they have escaped people traffickers.
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This article: http://news.scotsman.com/uk.cfm?id=448812007
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