[国际新闻] 希拉克购庄园 退休或前往摩洛哥

# C( T& n1 o: T, ?7 d5 T人在德国 社区# s! Q+ n1 e" r: S9 w
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6 z: B5 e  t1 q. E" a% L3 f  希拉克还拥有法国中部的一座小城堡以及在巴黎的一处公寓,但是居住在摩洛哥将给他带来诸多便利。首先,希拉克能够常常见到自己的大女儿劳伦斯,她由于厌食症长期以来在摩洛哥疗养。此外,摩洛哥政府对希拉克涉嫌的腐败指控表示同情,居住在摩洛哥可能使其躲避有关调查。0 s/ X9 a& L3 u! \$ `8 `
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  报道说,一旦总统豁免权被解除,希拉克可能将由于担任巴黎市长期间非法募集资金等问题被调查。为了使自己在退休后避免遭到司法调查,希拉克已任命了三名关键的政治同盟者担任有关职务。其中,前国会发言人德勃雷将出任宪法委员会主席。$ t& ~( G/ o% D3 U) A/ a4 T, _. Q

" o  `" ~  [# s7 C  自从司法部门表示希拉克在离任后将很快被调查,他面临指控的可能性也越来越大。希拉克本人一直否认有不道德行为,但是他的前助理却使其卷入政治献金的风波中。0 e) K: s5 |  f: n9 l, r

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- D$ r/ j* m$ U4 v# trs238848.rs.hosteurope.deChirac builds sleaze boltholers238848.rs.hosteurope.de6 {4 C# u* S( J
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SHOULD he fear prosecution for corruption when he leaves office in May, President Jacques Chirac can always withdraw to his bolthole in Morocco.$ [. E# m9 D# Y! k# D' f- H
人在德国 社区% @$ ]& G7 N, f% ^: ^3 W2 Q
The Chiracs, it has emerged, have built a holiday home on 2,500 acres near Marrakesh, a hideaway roughly the size of Richmond Park in London but blessed with better weather. They are understood to be considering the purchase of an extra 1,500 acres.
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' H  s8 i# b% t1 K. D& T+ {$ H8 K3 gThey also have a small chateau in central France and a flat in Paris, but the advantages of spending more time in Morocco are multiple, not least the opportunity to see more of Laurence, the elder Chirac daughter. She suffers from anorexia, has survived various suicide attempts and lives under care for much of the year on the Moroccan coast.$ `6 p/ N, q& T, B# I8 j1 T

  v5 [( R& q1 t# i4 i" vWhat is more, Chirac’s Moroccan hosts are likely to be more than sympathetic over the corruption inquiry that is expected to be launched once his presidential immunity from prosecution has expired.
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Chirac has been careful to cultivate extremely friendly relations with King Mohammed VI, or “M6” as they call him in France, who always picks up the bill and showers Chirac with gifts whenever he and his wife Bernadette holiday at the Gazelle d’Or, a luxury hotel near Taroudant.
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Presidential immunity has protected Chirac until now from facing questions about illicit fundraising schemes when he was mayor of Paris and the town hall was awash with cash.2 X* e3 ~/ F2 M. e! V* o4 X/ L

9 n! `6 s. k/ ]( u) p( kIn what was interpreted as an effort to protect his retirement from judicial prying, the president has appointed three key political allies to judicial posts. Jean-Louis Debré, former speaker of the National Assembly and the president’s leading cheerleader, is to become president of the powerful constitutional council.+ p3 M/ M0 y& I! a# O

% G  i& Q) Z& D, E; R/ N  M7 rThe chances that Chirac could face prosecution have increased after judges confirmed that he may be questioned shortly after he leaves the Elysée Palace, Chirac has always denied any wrongdoing but former aides have linked him with dubious political fundraising. One has described seeing Chirac reaching into a chest and pulling out the equivalent of £50,000 in cash to help the reelection effort of a New Caledonian political ally.