[国际新闻] 美国88岁老妇中5枪未死

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2 n: b6 ~/ e# f5 B" e  高龄88岁的日裔美籍妇人躺在担架上一脸惊恐,医护人员赶紧把她送医治疗,根据佛州警方表示,当地时间19日半夜12点多,3名持枪歹徒闯入这位老太太位于佛州奥兰多的家中。 rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de$ H8 L. h: T# A; v

1 W  e- Z- O/ M  其中两人对老太太开了10枪左右,企图置人于死地,结果老太太身中5枪,惊醒了跟老太太同住在一起的女儿。
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  佛州警方表示,“根据初步了解,有几名嫌犯闯进屋内,从一间卧室的窗户开枪打中88岁的受害者,女受害人身中数枪。”警方认为这并不是一起随机犯案,由于现场财物并没有遗失,所以到底歹徒是寻仇,还是另有其它目的,警方已封锁现场做进一步厘清。 / `5 }& d2 V0 |
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; I+ W* {5 F; P# f2 K+ B9 Krs238848.rs.hosteurope.de
2 h6 P, a5 P3 k' m. m8 \Woman, 88, survives gunshots  s" r' o) T. D! n# l

. h: r5 ^* ^' HThe Associated Press
1 M8 c) M3 V9 {/ ~8 e/ h8 iORLANDO, Fla. (Mar 20, 2007) ( A! t' }1 x& {( W% C
An 88-year-old woman was recovering in hospital yesterday, hours after being shot five times while she was asleep in her home., |# m! X3 @4 P( [4 o

, e7 J( h' V2 F! V& w, tYuki Harris appears to have been targeted, said Corporal Susan Soto of the Orange County Sheriff's Office .
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"We don't believe this is a random shooting," Soto said.
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Sheriff's officials refused to discuss the nature of the wounds suffered by Harris.8 f- w5 C& F! I( u
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Witnesses said they saw three men leaving the area after the shooting about 12:40 a.m.) I- d  o! D' |% e; J4 m

! j4 I5 j5 @1 Q, i2 r- b) rDeputies said they found several bullet holes at different locations throughout the home.( ~, J+ u# }" p* T4 L4 F* t, l4 }, a

4 D+ k; j5 T; c4 f3 a5 p/ f5 pHarris' 58-year-old daughter, Michi Nogami, lives in the same house.
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She told investigators that the gunmen were so close that she could smell smoke from a shot that entered her room just above her bed.