Mary KayKathy´s shop


Freitag abend bist du mit deinen Kumpels essen gegangen.2 m. G$ t3 E7 J5 L
Dann seid ihr irgendwo hängengeblieben
! }  b( m4 j+ vrs238848.rs.hosteurope.deUnd du bist so gegen drei heimgekommen.. x* n) B, Z" f7 h# i
Also wenn ihr zu sechst weg ware, dann war's für vier
, F/ @9 j7 k. l& k: {! D人在德国 社区Von euch echt ein billiger Abend.
: }; e+ u0 s7 q! x2 z" WAuf deiner Abrechnung standen nämlich nur zwei Abendessen., E1 t+ m5 S* a- E' l8 D% f/ z4 Y
$ ^& f# U* Q3 l" `4 v
Richtig ist es nicht, aber schon OK.
& w" J* C& Y; }# M/ E6 Ers238848.rs.hosteurope.deIrgendwie geht's schon.
/ M, _+ @4 K6 g2 E( grs238848.rs.hosteurope.dePack deine Sachen und verschwinde einfach.6 W3 q: _0 f; K  I* `
Und komm ja nicht zurück!# r' O5 v5 I/ O, n) x3 |  H0 d
Lieber bin ich allein, als so gedemütigt zu werden.
' Z0 g/ b3 w4 ?) Z8 G8 jrs238848.rs.hosteurope.de2 _. f7 Z' i! Y% ]* {/ s" V$ O9 ^
Eben klingelt das Telefon.: C' Z8 U/ g( C) Q: n
Du sagst, es war einer deiner Freunde von der 54. Straße.4 Y6 K/ j* t% k5 p
Aber warum fing die Nummer dann mit 213 an?rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de6 b) _, a3 k/ \  W9 g( ?3 L
Ich kenn dieses Spiel schon von früher,
* u8 g4 y" ]7 ?4 g! ]; C5 l: X7 ^人在德国 社区Dachtest du wirklich, ich tu mir das nochmal an?
# n+ z" e  x3 K2 T- _Du hast mich ja doch immer nur verarscht.
Mary KayKathy´s shop


This is the Heartbreak Hotel ...
  n" ?+ ^( Y7 i! I" n# e6 d' k! R! O2 O9 n7 f' i0 z# M0 N0 \6 C
You said that you'd be here by nine
, G' b/ ]4 j/ }人在德国 社区Instead you took your time
- ^/ P9 p4 d9 D/ IYou didn't think to call me boy人在德国 社区! E/ L  y# w6 E0 D! c6 e) u
Here I sit trying not to cry4 h; t2 T. L+ g) n3 X5 N- y2 D
Asking myself why you do this to me3 Z5 A8 L1 M7 d6 C' V4 S
0 q" Z$ R) J$ I8 O5 u
Since you're not around for me to tell you baby face to face, e* S* y* V/ s( S' {9 U& N- {3 y
I'm writing you this letter, and this is what I have to say:0 [5 q$ M/ R/ X4 q* k4 I; ?* ~& @* j
All I really wanted was some of your timers238848.rs.hosteurope.de: P8 l+ q" @6 y2 t3 O
Instead you told me lies" u; I# [* Q2 L/ K! L1 ~8 w
When someone else was on your mind8 V+ @  S3 H9 t; n7 W, E
What you do to me9 t" T- S; E1 m0 ]
Look what you did to me' n. d( ^, {6 X& {4 _' n5 z
I thought that you were someone who would do me right人在德国 社区+ P, M4 |' o6 a' Q
Until you played with my emotions and you made me cry人在德国 社区( v9 o& g2 q2 }4 m0 b) F3 N7 S" d
What you do to mers238848.rs.hosteurope.de: r. ?7 U; I9 {8 o% ]
Can't take what you did to me
) W* Z! \0 D( v1 ?& o2 G: R1 _+ R3 o
Now I see that you been doing wrong2 p! s' A  y$ D% ?. H8 _
You played me all along9 Z( L6 T" |, v0 r, f( o
And made a fool of me, babyrs238848.rs.hosteurope.de3 y2 _5 ~- U0 C, X1 d
You got it all wrong to think that I wouldn't find out7 H% v, [# M' p
That you were cheating on me' x- t+ ]  r! \- E4 u3 n$ A. {
How could you do it to me
7 t5 B1 H, }. e9 R% d, @$ A: [' e3 b人在德国 社区
- }+ n4 D1 G; G; Ers238848.rs.hosteurope.deSince you're not around for me to tell you baby face to facers238848.rs.hosteurope.de8 C! a" d/ |% Q+ E/ |  A4 O# V
I'm writing you this letter, and this is what I have to say:
0 T9 n, K. C- b8 m9 \. u+ B) Irs238848.rs.hosteurope.deAll I really wanted was some of your time
& Y! A) z6 D& P: irs238848.rs.hosteurope.deInstead you told me lies人在德国 社区6 {- ^& g5 w, g; w) u
When someone else was on your mind* z2 ~# D) Q. x; l* o' h. c1 |
What you do to me, R7 h7 B0 X; C! J' H) {& ?# C6 X
Look what you did to mers238848.rs.hosteurope.de( d0 V- S& q1 e* ~
I thought that you were someone who would do me right
/ Q* M$ ?" R* D- u% k5 tUntil you played with my emotions and you made me cry- M( T4 M4 U, ^
What you do to me- Z1 t( {8 q3 @# u
Can't take what you did to me
7 p+ M, h, a1 ?+ `8 ^人在德国 社区
, t9 |3 |8 l! Y3 J9 mHeartbreak Hotel
# O% r0 c, ^; r1 f) ^+ U$ dThis is the Heartbreak Hotel (8x)人在德国 社区& n( d& W5 K9 U& e: J& v% w7 y: H

' p9 V! S. _% e; \: ?1 |人在德国 社区All I really wanted was some of your time: m+ C, a4 N; r
Instead you told me lies
" \9 \& {, |" [" M' R* e人在德国 社区When someone else was on your mind& O% |7 p- Z8 q8 e
What you do to me3 D; f) t- j: s$ D: S5 ]
Look what you did to me; j6 ~+ g. R7 w
I thought that you were someone who would do m right
/ t' t! b+ W+ a$ R: W0 z: WUntil you play with my emotions and you made me cry" _  W( j9 B, I2 ~
What you do to me
) f* ~  a$ a8 @3 VCan't take what you did to me (2x)
" q7 F0 z" K: |6 a8 l; I/ g- ?人在德国 社区" `; b$ \  M0 h6 T$ ^5 |
I aint gon' take it
* V. v! E, V0 Q9 Z) t( T0 {I aint gon' take it no more
& c% Y# k  _+ U5 v2 c( d" k  sI aint gon' take! it boy9 h' @- O: f. W2 e* F* I; Z
I aint gon' take it no more0 a. B! O$ u2 o

" }/ D: C* l, Frs238848.rs.hosteurope.deEverything that you said was a lie
; B$ J+ {. M  M% dDon't lie for mers238848.rs.hosteurope.de. L% W) u. A% {
Tell me what it is and I will be alright
Mary KayKathy´s shop