[国际新闻] 从战略上说,中国已被朝鲜绑架

朝鲜对于对抗的无休止欲望使许多人都疑惑它的底线究竟在哪里,而最想知道的无疑是朝鲜的老大哥中国。尽管穷困的朝鲜严重依赖中国的援助与支持,但它似乎一直在例行地藐视中国每一项外交努力。9 B+ u' _% ^6 V/ @2 r0 r
人在德国 社区8 p7 y! J- N! x4 y, z6 \+ _
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News Analysis1 N4 E1 L+ u, q4 r% T. o; a
North Korea Relies on China, but Tends to Resist Its Guidance
4 W* N! x2 v% g! b- C: @; \9 m人在德国 社区
" r1 G9 w: @; Q  c. a* N. g“At the moment China has limited influence,” said Cai Jian, a professor of Korean studies at Fudan University. “On one hand it’s unhappy with North Korean actions and its provocative behavior, but on the other hand it still has to support North Korea.”
0 r+ F- e- V( u& n人在德国 社区. M$ ?  g' T: N8 u/ O
“No matter whether it be within the party, among the people, or even within the military, China has grown increasingly sick and tired of North Korea’s rogue politics,” said a senior Chinese media commentator, who asked not to be named because of the delicacy of the issue. “But strategically, China’s kidnapped by it.”) F+ Q, i) F6 f' h: g; a' n1 c/ }
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8 x# ?/ c, G9 dAreas where columns of smoke can be seen in photographs taken after the attacks
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