[国际新闻] 全球首创网络转播葬礼

为协助往生者家属都能送死者最后一程,在传统上人死便迅速下葬的爱尔兰葬仪业者,已把脑筋动到无远弗届的高速网际网络上,提供网络葬礼转播服务,让无法出席的亲友也向死者告别。+ l3 U3 t/ ~  t/ f7 N
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, C* G( k; X5 U0 x: [: r人在德国 社区 吉姆说:“人们老是问说:‘能否为我们远在加拿大的朋友录一卷告别式录影带?’我们总能办到。而今我们能提供更多服务。”克拉克父子葬仪社的数据显示,该公司约两成客户(五十场葬礼)使用网络直播告别式的服务。吉姆说,网络转播曾造福一对分别住在新西兰与美国的兄弟;去年这对兄弟返回北爱探视重病亲戚,不料亲戚随即过世,由于他们无法让家人马上返回北爱参加葬礼,于是求助网络转播服务。8 W7 @( |( \& ]$ P9 y6 \# y

: W; d/ U! S* b% G' Q: O 此外,该公司上周还与新西兰一家网络服务业者协商,让一名女士的上网速度暂时升级到高速宽频,以便这名女士在观看网络转播其姊妹的葬礼时,不会看到与听到断断续续的画面与声音。不过,并不是所有人都能随便上网偷窥他人葬礼;出席网络葬礼除了要下载特殊软体,还得向克拉克父子葬仪社取得密码。
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  p3 M( g" C! @- O, WMourners bid farewell on internet
; }5 H  r. R0 f4 }$ \3 W/ a) Srs238848.rs.hosteurope.deA Northern Ireland undertaker has begun broadcasting funerals live on the internet.& {* V9 ]9 U: N
rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de& v% {3 f0 W! e1 g  j3 Y% E, ~
In what is thought to be a UK first, the County Down firm says the moveallows mourners from across the world to watch the funeral service of friendsand loved ones.人在德国 社区% M9 y. r: y- n& A

0 V# [6 y6 K- ~4 qrs238848.rs.hosteurope.de S Clarke and Son Funeral Directors said people now living in Africa,New Zealand, Spain, Australia and Canada had been able to see services takingplace in Newtownards and Bangor.
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9 j* I9 c; s( b  V The idea was the brainchild of Jim Clarke, who runs the undertaker businesswith his father John - who has just completed a computer course aged 80.
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+ n8 W" L% |# p"Life moves fast - we're just trying to adapt to the changing needs of our world," said Jim.
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; l0 A* D- z4 N$ @' _- ers238848.rs.hosteurope.de "There are families living abroad who can't afford to fly to funerals,or people who are too sick to go, or busy people who can't get the time offwork.
8 k2 J7 G' L( ^8 t1 ]  h  o0 q人在德国 社区
/ D5 S  `% I( c# P3 g"Our internet option means they get to become part of a grieving process they might have missed out on."
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'Spot relatives'
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2 F; i) T* K  T2 M" Rrs238848.rs.hosteurope.de To maintain privacy, only family and friends issued with a passwordcan view the service, a copy of which can be recorded and kept.
3 E$ Z4 }# i7 k8 J1 I" q, c& J- D人在德国 社区
9 d8 x# f% P. x% f4 z2 s The firm installed a network of cameras and microphones in the churchesattached to their funeral homes in Bangor and Newtownards.9 o! d! t  N, L

, S0 H# `& `% D9 v "The pictures are so clear that people watching can see the faces ofeveryone in the crowd, and hear everything clearly, so they can spot relativesthey might not have seen in years," said Jim./ K9 W2 T* Y- f

- M" F1 H9 C+ }( K6 O! Z! U人在德国 社区The internet service is offered as a free, optional extra in the Clarkes' funeral package.
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[ 本帖最后由 日月光 于 2007-3-13 20:57 编辑 ]
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