[国际新闻] 纽约餐厅超名贵薄饼 售价一千美元

美国纽约市一间餐厅推出堪称全球最名贵的意大利薄饼,采用6种鱼子酱及新鲜龙虾炮制,每个盛惠一千美元。这款超豪薄饼直径30厘米(12吋),可以切成8块,每块售价125美元。薄饼贵在选用6种珍贵鱼子酱及新鲜龙虾制作,再以法式酸奶油及细香葱作配料。rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de7 p+ B3 ^( @5 @8 s0 }4 @$ ^' p
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3 r1 R( j* y+ f人在德国 社区0 d' P2 r  \1 Z  M
  塞利马杰29年前由阿尔巴尼亚移居纽约市,在当地开了6家意大利薄饼餐厅。其中只有位于曼哈顿的Nino's Bellissima餐厅,才推出这款名贵意大利薄饼。他相信,这种豪华薄饼大有市场,因为它非常美味,顾客一定会再次光顾。
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Delivery isn't included in price of $1,000 pizza人在德国 社区) l0 J5 V% P/ W

. R  D+ ]) C  X1 P2 @5 p7 JNEW YORK - The city that brought you the $55 macaroni and cheese and an omelet that cost a grand now has a pizza to match./ R2 \; P6 O: T# q

  @# o6 I' L- |" {: [, e( _7 B3 `3 YAn East Side eatery has given a makeover to the city's fast-food favorite - and added a gulp-inducing $1,000 price tag.+ A6 H7 v, A' V2 R6 j% C- O8 v
人在德国 社区( M& O; F! o) K5 J8 z1 \; |6 t" Z
Nino's Bellissima Luxury Pizza is piled high with 8 ounces of caviar, slices of fresh lobster, wasabi and chives on a creme fraîche sauce.1 g1 S# u" n0 D
rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de& V. U8 B+ o& k- M+ U/ f, Y
"It's not for everyone," says Nino Selimaj, owner of the restaurant, who recommends washing down the creation with Dom Perignon rather than Coca-Cola.
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: j( a& r* @% v! g3 S+ K0 @) E"It's something special. It's a pizza for people who like luxury. It's the most expensive pizza on Earth."
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As of Wednesday, the pricey pie had been bought by only one customer - private investigator and restaurant regular Bo Dietl.
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2 j" _8 S1 Z! p2 v2 q  u6 t) U+ K) nrs238848.rs.hosteurope.de"When (Selimaj) told me about it, I thought he was on crack," Dietl said. "But eating it was like Disney World. The balls of caviar just pop in your mouth. It was an exciting taste."人在德国 社区9 X( h% [$ N. y( v  I7 c5 [

9 ?" N( Y8 T' s9 zSelimaj's pizza price matches the $1,000 omelet that graced Le Parker Meridien hotel's menu in 2004 and makes the truffle-topped mac and cheese at the Waverly Inn look like a relative bargain.# W: b: ?4 h5 u4 T
rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de3 ?* m2 L6 t- z7 S3 e' V7 V/ H
He said he experimented with truffles before settling on lobster and caviar.+ |2 [' N' L0 p' P% q) y" _

9 k/ j' ~" ?) ?0 L; E# O. l5 OAnd, yes, there's a markup, but a pie costs $720 to make, he said. Orders have to be placed 24 hours in advance.; k) [* Y0 V1 ~; u) C0 z* Y+ D
rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de6 C! V/ x$ ?* p; r/ @2 T
A New York Daily News reporter who had a bite thought it "was tasty."
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9 K6 @% }4 l& C. i/ {rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de"I felt like I was eating a high-end appetizer," he said. "The blend of the dough and the creme fraîche sauce and the fish - it all seemed to work well together."
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Customer Lori Irushalmi, 33, a Manhattan mom, tried a free slice Wednesday, folding it in two like a true New Yorker.- q. P' E2 ~% K1 ^- [0 d0 H
rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de% P% `9 V( Z' ^* j6 t) u' j. n
"It's not bad," she said. "It's salty, it's fishy, but it's not overpowering."
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"It's tasty," she concluded, "but I would never pay for it."% B1 l0 m) l) p) b7 R$ U2 \# e

# K: @7 S$ u% @5 T: }7 [1 lrs238848.rs.hosteurope.de  

One grand pizza.jpg (63.81 KB)

One grand pizza

One grand pizza.jpg

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