[国际新闻] CNN就辱华用语道歉 称绝无贬低华人意味

周二,美国有线电视网(CNN)创始人特纳(Ted Turner)发表书面声明,就自己错误使用“中国佬”(Chinaman)一词道歉,表示自己的口误是无心之错,绝无贬低华人的意味。
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  事件发生在上周四,特纳接受湾区KGO电台著名节目主持人欧文斯 (Ronn Owens)现场访问时,当他被问及是否相信中国会推动更环保的替代能源时,特纳回答:“中国人都很聪明,你见过很笨的中国佬吗?你是否看过有中国餐馆挂上将结束营业的指示牌?”
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  “湾区委员会”行政总裁温达曼(Jim Wunderman)3月12日致函特纳,促请特纳向华裔社区道歉。温达曼在写给特纳的信上说,“很不幸地,我想你知道,对于你谈到‘你是否见过一个愚蠢的中国佬?’的用语,拥有一段很不好的历史,这个名词与‘英国佬’(Englishman)或‘法国佬’or(Frenchman)并不相同。”温达曼向特纳说,“不管内容如何,这是一个不应使用的名词。我明白你非常忙,但我促请你公开道歉。”
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- X# c; }; f, m8 k9 N2 p2 z8 HTed Turner apologizes for remarks on Chinese
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Media mogul and philanthropist Ted Turner apologized Tuesday for comments he made about China and Chinese people before the Bay Area Council last week in a talk on global warming. rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de  Z* E, i- g6 P

! n$ u/ b, q4 ], w人在德国 社区Bay Area leaders had objected to his use of the term "Chinaman."
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; z& W! A9 F  D2 S1 frs238848.rs.hosteurope.deWhen asked before an audience of 1,000 business and community leaders last Thursday about how to win China's cooperation in reducing greenhouse gases, Turner said: "The Chinese are very smart. Just think: Have you ever met a dumb Chinaman? / `% V3 r$ R/ ^4 s8 v! y
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"Very seldom do you see Chinese restaurants close," he continued in an audio clip of the speech provided by the Bay Area Council. "I'm in the restaurant business, and it's very tough. They work very hard."
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" R' a' d7 }3 h/ V2 f" I- \- fTurner was referring to his Montana Grill chain, which has outlets in 18 states. He is best known as the founder of Turner Broadcasting in 1970 and CNN in 1980.
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Community leaders and officials at the council immediately called for an apology. " M+ g# \. T7 e8 M

# R! K3 K8 U2 Z3 G) [1 r"It was not the right thing to say, for someone like Ted Turner, who was talking about the need to reach out and make friends to accomplish what's really the world's business on the issue of global warming," Jim Wunderman, the council's chief executive, said Tuesday. 7 I( W$ P, c4 ?- d8 p
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Radio host Ronn Owens, who had interviewed Turner, devoted part of his show on KGO Monday to exploring why the comments were hurtful.
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7 w- ^6 Y4 Z9 y* g3 dTurner's apology came in a statement his spokesman released Tuesday.
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"As many people know, I do not believe in any form of prejudice or discrimination and was unaware that the term 'Chinaman' was derogatory and hurtful to the Asian Pacific American community."
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8 j; E5 \- N; @4 `; z$ g) QVincent Pan, director of the Chinese for Affirmative Action in San Francisco, said, "As someone is very involved in domestic and world politics, I think it's a bit suspect for him to suggest that he didn't realize it was a derogatory.
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"The difficulty is that many of these racist terms are so deeply ingrained in the culture, they pop up when you least expect it. " 6 {2 n/ A' ^& a% C
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Yvonne Lee, a former commissioner of the U.S. Civil Rights Commission, said the apology was the first step, but she wants him to agree to further "dialogue between different communities."

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Ted Turner

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