[国际新闻] 美军黑鹰直升机巴格达被击落

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# Y/ D# l1 p. M3 r# |9 c* B 据中国日报网站消息,伊拉克军方一名匿名官员透露说,这架直升机是当地时间5日早晨7时30分左右在巴格达以南约30公里的拉蒂菲耶遭到袭击,武装人员很明显使用了防空重型机枪。目前还没有伤亡报告,美军已经将现场封锁.人在德国 社区& {& g0 C" ?* f3 g

5 U; }7 h: d- _  o! K9 A8 A5 M人在德国 社区据悉,拉蒂菲耶位于有「死亡三角区」之称的巴格达南部村镇地带,是逊尼派武装人员的一个据点。
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0 Q! J# v) q  k& V美军直升机最近一次在巴格达失事发生于上个月1日,一架OH-58D「奇欧瓦」(KIOWA)侦察直升机在伊拉克北部「硬着陆」,两名飞行员受伤。此前一个星期,美军另一架「黑鹰」直升机在巴格达北部坠毁。
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5 v5 G- {" a5 c% y; ^7 V, m8 E. |" d' _+ BU.S. helicopter goes down after coming under fire south of Baghdad: Iraqi army official) W% Y3 z. H. ], l

/ c- w( B; s# e  aBAGHDAD: A U.S. helicopter went down after coming under fire Thursday in a Sunni militant stronghold south of Baghdad but there was no immediate word on casualties, an Iraqi army official said. The U.S. military said it was looking into the report.rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de9 E" c* O) U: q
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Gunmen opened fire on a Black Hawk helicopter at about 7:30 a.m. as it flew over Latifiyah, 30 kilometers (20 miles) south of Baghdad, the official said, speaking on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to release the information.
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0 y" S3 ~- n, w8 z% x" m4 r$ CThe helicopter went down in a rural area and U.S. forces had cordoned off the site, the official said. He had no information on casualties but said the militants apparently were using anti-aircraft heavy machine gun.
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Latifiyah is part of the area dubbed the Triangle of Death because of frequent insurgent attacks.
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& f5 M; s) v4 }0 R* L) CThe last helicopter incident in Iraq occurred on March 1, when an OH-58 Kiowa helicopter made a "hard landing" in northern Iraq leaving the two crew members wounded. A week earlier, ground fire forced the downing of a Black Hawk north of Baghdad.
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With Thursday's incident, at least nine U.S. helicopters have crashed or been brought down by hostile fire this year in Iraq.
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