[国际新闻] 「压抑不住的美丽」选美大赛

, K( f/ M& e  A5 }' C  r! \人在德国 社区
8 n! g9 R9 h0 ~0 {: \+ d+ c8 W0 |rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de冰岛下个月要举办第一届选丑大赛。
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6 J) R. r7 L* T* H人在德国 社区主办单位欢迎乳房下垂、过胖、体毛太长或是身体部位长得不对称的人参赛。主办单位表示,这项叫做「压抑不住的美丽」的比赛,就是要挑战大家对性感的既定印象。
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'Beauty' contest for most ugly
2 k5 `1 D0 z4 K! g. N8 t% r2 L, q+ b: }8 n
THE world's first ever 'beauty' contest for ugly people is to be held next month.
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+ Q$ E8 J2 o3 E3 I. L$ \! {rs238848.rs.hosteurope.deOrganisers are calling on anyone with saggy boobs, cellulite, body hair or freaky body parts to enter.
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1 g# w6 o. v  B' l0 ?The competition - called the Untamed Beauty - is designed to challenge the idea of what's sexy.
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; c$ Z4 s5 L: x/ MShow boss Matthildur Helgadottir, from Iceland where it's being held, said: "You can have one leg, be a man, woman, whoever.
+ Q7 _& r7 E' F( |2 s6 A; W) Y1 S6 h: I7 H* o3 d; T9 J0 M( v! L
"Saggy breasts mean you have lived your life!"

beauty.gif (21.17 KB)

Untamed Beauty


Beauty2.jpg (29.54 KB)

Possible entry ... Bride of Wildenstein


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