[国际新闻] 男女「性趣」大不同 演化所致

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德国学者发现,与男伴稳定交往长达四年的岁女性受访者中,想要常常做爱的人不到一半。但是受访男性无论与女伴交往多久,性欲并不会随时间而降低。 ) b! r9 V5 U  r; p7 Q+ p0 ?& Q

; I* T9 \1 T# L, a. |rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de汉堡大学艾本德医学中心的研究人员访问了五百三个男女,分析他们的感情状况。调查发现,岁的女性有百分之六在一段恋情刚开端时「常常」想做爱。
* e& V# h2 |0 L+ s# h人在德国 社区# ^) Q; g' n% j" e6 D
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& J& b0 `: u( |0 R5 qrs238848.rs.hosteurope.de有趣的是,男性无论和女伴交往多久,大约仍有百分之六到八的人希望能常常做爱。/ `8 f3 A- T, K
rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de, Y9 b/ o' b+ j4 e9 ?0 J! h
这个研究还指出,女人比男人更重视伴侣是否「温柔」。 - J5 ?$ l9 K1 |4 u' d4 v+ k2 _

% \: i5 y* ~: g+ Z# V人在德国 社区无论与伴侣交往多久,认为自己需要被温柔对待的女性高达百分之九。但是那些与伴侣交往年以上的男性中,只有百分之二五希望另一半能表现温柔。
1 Z2 Y! C$ G9 Y8 |( F
; O1 q" s7 M, H* l$ D! W人在德国 社区研究报告作者、艾本德医学中心的心理学家克鲁斯曼认为,男女性欲有别,源于人类演化的差异。 0 O1 E/ r9 J2 a* _0 ]: h4 r
rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de0 ]- {1 r. k7 A' Q, ^
男人不想戴绿帽,所以要维持一定的性欲。女人则不同,女性在关系刚开端时会有强烈的性欲,是为了和伴侣创建一种稳定的配对关系。一旦关系确定,女人的性欲就会降低。 rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de# w  l5 S' E$ \+ T: j3 C: F

3 Y) |) w+ x, k  P1 h& r克鲁斯曼说,雌性动物为了生出基因最优良的后代,会希望与不同的雄性动物交配。
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3 B& t* c/ {! I" w6 J* |) P- I9 c* Crs238848.rs.hosteurope.deSecurity 'bad news for sex drive'人在德国 社区6 V9 r3 p6 Z( |0 k; Q# L

* P7 v: {5 j: _/ z. e$ L4 eA woman's sex drive begins to plummet once she is in a secure relationship, according to research.
: @% ]6 a4 E. m( UResearchers from Germany found that four years into a relationship, less than half of 30-year-old women wanted regular sex.
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& r9 O# v3 L4 s+ T& a( E! KConversely, the team found a man's libido remained the same regardless of how long he had been in a relationship. 人在德国 社区( Q: ?5 c6 p7 b
# p, w: g! u" j  I1 k
Writing in the journal Human Nature, the scientists said the differences resulted from how humans had evolved. 4 u& o  k$ U% k% E% b

( S7 ~8 t1 K& c$ c2 u, ~rs238848.rs.hosteurope.deThe researchers from Hamburg-Eppendorf University Hospital interviewed 530 men and women about their relationships.
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They found 60% of 30-year-old women wanted sex "often" at the beginning of a relationship, but within four years of the relationship this figure fell to under 50%, and after 20 years it dropped to about 20%. ; {3 o/ S( G) [9 h$ v+ A
  |# m( s2 z: Z- y0 e; B
In contrast, they found the proportion of men wanting regular sex remained at between 60-80%, regardless of how long they had been in a relationship.
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! V) x3 }* I9 F; z& GTenderness rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de+ ~. V, W! ]' H0 g
人在德国 社区) Q, p$ _. e! k8 a, r
The study also revealed tenderness was important for women in a relationship.
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2 H, v; S1 K" O& k$ T  {. Rrs238848.rs.hosteurope.deAbout 90% of women wanted tenderness, regardless of how long they had been in a relationship, but only 25% of men who had been in a relationship for 10 years said they were still seeking tenderness from their partner.
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! g8 M/ D0 \' Z5 }( \8 B/ XDr Dietrich Klusmann, lead author of the study and a psychologist from Hamburg-Eppendorf University Hospital, believed the differences were down to human evolution.
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He said: "For men, a good reason their sexual motivation to remain constant would be to guard against being cuckolded by another male."
8 W7 {& j; W. Z2 {' \人在德国 社区
' Y. o* G) k- t; k' rBut women, he said, have evolved to have a high sex drive when they are initially in a relationship in order to form a "pair bond" with their partner.
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+ E) K5 p% V7 E4 NBut, once this bond is sealed a woman's sexual appetite declines, he added.
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+ G  E- m, `& k3 BHe said animal behaviour studies suggest this could be because females may be diverting their sexual interest towards other men, in order to secure the best combinations of genetic material for their offspring. % X, L' M" g  R- ~' V- G0 J

7 E8 f2 x# T& Y: r人在德国 社区Or, he said, this could be because limiting sex may boost their partner's interest in it. , K: v4 E3 p; }( w. ~0 V. Q1 ]. P& J
rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de1 }$ E! F1 n% h! F( P6 m: e7 |
Professor George Fieldman, an evolutionary psychologist from Buckinghamshire Chilterns University College, said: "These findings seem to fit in with anecdotal studies and his explanations seem plausible. : P2 N2 i& O* n! n

" ]9 \1 T! h& ^"The rational for why a woman's sex drive declines may be down to supply and demand. If something is in infinite supply, the perceived value would drop."

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Differences in sexual appetite may be driven by evolution

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