[国际新闻] 墨西哥新法律 丈夫过度嫉妒要坐牢

(墨西哥市路透电)墨西哥通过了保护妇女的新法律,对妻子过度地嫉妒或是拒绝与妻子性交的男子都可能得出庭受审、会有牢狱之灾。人在德国 社区0 s& M# R+ N9 M  Y' I6 Z0 t
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& ^' E* e3 \! m2 H( vrs238848.rs.hosteurope.de
3 m2 l% ^$ T4 [: \, |0 Nrs238848.rs.hosteurope.de凡是不跟妻子交谈、拒绝性交或是在妻子当场捉奸后,还指妻子神经过敏的男子,则犯下忽视配偶罪。
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  《至上报》的报道说,犯下这两种罪状的男子可能得面对长达五年的监禁,各州法院可决定刑期的长短。3 b6 Y. b! H: c$ D- u

0 I. e5 w% F! D- z: V1 [" e  本月通过的这项新法律将保护妇女免受家庭暴力的侵害。
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/ G* Z$ ?( O$ h5 e迪阿尔泰说,在墨西哥,75%的谋杀案女死者是死在丈夫手里。她说,新法将使面对粗暴丈夫的妇女有平等的抗争地位。, ]! I; }9 J/ a6 C

3 d% a2 K9 f/ r: j; Prs238848.rs.hosteurope.de  迪阿尔泰认为,墨西哥男子不应该感觉受到歧视。% b1 I5 ?$ J$ N, Q$ N% n" t4 y
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4 F6 B; \4 b6 }2 GJealous Mexican husbands may face trial in courtrs238848.rs.hosteurope.de3 e# Z, M2 Q! v4 c5 t! q
人在德国 社区8 a( Y9 j* m  a8 f8 N/ u
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexican men who display extreme jealousy or avoid sex with their wives could be tried in court and punished under a new law, the special prosecutor for crimes against women told a local newspaper on Friday. rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de; f( G5 p. T( E5 }6 p) H# s
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Men who phone their wives every half hour to check up on them, constantly suspect them of infidelity or try to control the way they dress are committing the crime of jealousy, special prosecutor Alicia Elena Perez Duarte told Excelsior newspaper.4 w. Q( U1 O: W1 Y# ~6 r4 Q

! M% m9 r+ v: j* V4 tThose who stop talking to their wives, avoid sex or try to convince suspicious spouses they are "crazy" even if they are caught red-handed having an affair, are guilty of indifference, she said.人在德国 社区) v4 S7 Q6 p" v* J1 |6 F/ _
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Men found guilty of jealousy or indifference could face up to five years in prison, the newspaper said. Mexico's individual states will determine the punishments, it said.8 |( l) u) q0 J9 O0 g* p- W

% v5 @- ?9 l, [/ }/ C  r3 dThe progressive new law was passed this month to protect women from domestic violence.
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' y5 Q6 G1 N5 F  H4 ~% rIn Mexico, about 75 percent of all murdered women are killed by their husbands, Perez Duarte said.人在德国 社区" K% E; e- c$ O1 ~! R
9 R/ |4 S) V! ]# z& X% A# D
"If we do not stop this from the beginning, it turns into beatings, and the beatings turn into more beatings and rape, until it gets out of hand, and whoops, she died," she told the paper.
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; Q: H$ G4 n( w; ~4 ?0 v5 p% srs238848.rs.hosteurope.dePerez Duarte said the law would be a weapon that women could employ to level the playing field with abusive men.
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"Men ought not to feel discriminated against," she told Excelsior.2 s: k! W" O8 d/ X

1 m4 A% Q( ~; @& p! U1 l* t/ x) bPerez Duarte said indifference, jealousy or lack of love were crimes against women just as much as physical violence.& w; S* |- E2 v# }! ?$ j$ f
/ j1 r* A0 K, K8 q$ X9 ^
"Jealousy produces a particular type of stress in the person that comes up against it," she said. "It is exactly the same. They are wounds, psychological scars identical to physical scars."rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de3 V$ Z; z; ]7 ?  y! [; I

5 B) v4 L) i4 grs238848.rs.hosteurope.de[ 本帖最后由 日月光 于 2007-2-25 11:24 编辑 ]