[国际新闻] 摸人臀部预言命运

在德国有一位有趣的占卜师,他具有非同一般的占卜方式,与传统的看手相不同的是,他通过“阅读”臀部来预知该臀部所有者的命运,俗称为“臀相术”。更不可思议的是该男子是一位盲人。这位奇特的占卜师名叫乌尔夫-布克,早已享誉德国内外,各大主流媒体都刊登了对他的专访,对于他奇特的占卜方式,各大网上论坛一直争论不休。尽管这种占卜的正确与否一直受到不小的怀疑,但毕竟熟视无睹是常人容易犯的错误,比如臀部所蕴含的信息经常被人忽视。根据布克自己介绍,在臀部肌肉及脂肪聚集处可以“阅读”出生命线,职业线,爱情线等各种线条,其原理与位于手掌内部的线条几乎相同,但是布克强调说,由于臀部的高柔软性,它所显示线条的准确性要远高于手掌。更令人不可思议的是由于占卜师视力的严重缺失,几乎失明,布克完全依靠手指末端的抚摸与接触来“感觉”臀部的线条。他认为,臀部这个不宜供观赏而被一般人隐藏的人体部位不仅可以显示一个人的健康状况,职场财运状况,甚至性生活状况以及被埋藏的人类天赋都可以从上面阅读出来,通过“臀相术”不仅可以预知未来命运,还可以占卜出被占卜者的个性。布克在接受路透社专访的时候透露了自己占卜的一些小秘密。他说道,臀部像苹果形状的人的性格比较吸引人,富于动感,拥有丰富的创造力,他们乐于享受生活,臀部像梨的人拥有耿直,耐心和实际的性格。布克的顾客来自社会各阶层,比如清洁工,秘书甚至地方官员,虽然他占卜的正确性无从考证,但是每一位拜访过的顾客都确信,布克确实是一位盲人。0 W0 v7 W: p' b( G
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Man reads between naked buttocks to predict future
% U: }! n% k% S6 ~) l' F* G2 Jrs238848.rs.hosteurope.deNaked buttocks can predict future, claims a blind German psychic. He says he can read people's futures by feeling their naked buttocks.rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de. X& ~" {/ P$ t3 E% s

) }! u2 T' p( {3 J* iClairvoyant Ulf Buck, 39, claims that people's buttocks have lines like those on the palm of the hand, which can be read to reveal much about their character and destiny.- c  G3 K# A, C

! T0 y* |& w/ {; z9 D2 p5 _"The bottom is much more intense -- it has a much stronger power of expression than the hand in my experience," Buck told Reuters. "It goes on developing throughout your life."
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  T# K$ r; b: ^# vBy running his fingers along a number of lines on the surface of a client's naked buttocks, he says he can tell them about their future monetary success, family life, health and happiness.
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  ^( [. t  ^- [  O# q  }! C8 x1 RHe says lines representing success, career and artistic ability extend inwards from the outer extremities of the buttocks, while a further five lines radiate outwards.8 L, Z( f  p2 M- _. }$ Q3 d+ p

' X1 |2 C) Z4 P. K! z, K3 h* L' GBuck, who lives in the northern village of Meldorf, northwest of Hamburg, says all types come to him to have their bottoms read.. J/ j% }' N" E2 }  x+ f
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He sees his blindness as a great asset, not least because it means customers do not risk having their identities revealed, Reuters reports.人在德国 社区' M1 W7 [$ P7 w. K5 c$ I3 t( g
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"All sorts come, from cleaning ladies and secretaries to prominent members of the community. For them, my being blind is an advantage because I can do it without recognizing them again in the future." Buck has been blind since the age of three.
6 C( T9 }8 V/ v/ G6 Trs238848.rs.hosteurope.de
7 k9 p  e* L0 G8 ^0 y: O- S人在德国 社区"An apple-shaped, muscular bottom indicates someone who is charismatic, dynamic, very confident and often creative. A person who enjoys life," he said. "A pear-shaped bottom suggests someone very steadfast, patient and down-to-earth."; f+ q, ]  b$ e1 S$ K
人在德国 社区: R' E7 x* P( ^& N; r/ x& Z
He is quick to shoot down any suggestion that his buttock groping might be motivated by anything other than a genuine desire to probe people's futures.
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"I do not need to feel bottoms for my own pleasure. My wife is quite beautiful enough for me," he said. 人在德国 社区$ r' Z# |& b' P& [  U- v2 x

2 Y& {# }1 Y) @) ]8 J4 PBuck is reluctant to speak about his successes, but says he correctly predicted an actress from a popular German soap-opera was going to write a book, and says a stockbroker has been using his services for over two years. * ]1 H! |2 ]  O. q

7 a9 g6 i  t$ U0 D5 [6 P, ?人在德国 社区"No stockbroker would keep asking a blind clairvoyant to tell them about future stock prices if they didn't believe I could to it," he said.人在德国 社区4 q$ F# q: v+ O3 ~: V

. ~+ G: |; M+ c9 V, n7 l[ 本帖最后由 日月光 于 2007-2-24 19:39 编辑 ]

buck.jpg (7.8 KB)

Ulf Buck
