[国际新闻] 美国军人医院老兵被错摘睾丸

美国军人医院再爆医疗事故丑闻 老兵被错摘睾丸 8 o3 p& m, x. M4 v
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中新网洛杉矶4月5日电 近日,美国一名退役的老兵正式向联邦法院提起诉讼,指控一家老兵医院在手术中,错误地将其健康的睾丸摘除。
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4 u7 r6 |, @6 K  `  本杰明-霍顿现年47岁,曾经在美国空军中服役。由于查出其左侧睾丸中有癌细胞扩散,在洛杉矶退伍军人医疗中心接受了左侧睾丸摘除手术。但是不幸的是,由于医生在手术中的疏忽,错将其健康的右侧睾丸切除。
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7 `3 k- Y' [1 Y" s" o; j- _# A  本杰明-霍顿称,术后医生告诉他,“很不幸,我们错误地切除了您健康的睾丸。”当时,本杰明-霍顿还以为这是一个玩笑。当他知道真相后,完全惊呆了,“我问他们,那我应该怎么办?”医院的负责人已经正式向他表示了道歉。目前,本杰明-霍顿正在等待着切除左侧睾丸。 8 K; ^5 G' S5 d* \2 O# d
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  美国老兵医院近日以来丑闻不断,先后爆出了缺医少药及环境恶劣等丑闻。新闻被曝光后,引起了公众的震惊。 美国国会对此非常愤怒,并迫使五角大楼三名高级官员为此辞职。布什也曾亲自对老兵们表达了道歉。

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Veteran files claim after wrong testicle is removed at VA hospital in Los Angeles 人在德国 社区$ D5 W4 J! ]. Z" b* a) p  j

. U0 H3 Y2 `- r% x& ILOS ANGELES A veterans hospital in Los Angeles is under fire after removing an Air Force Veteran's healthy testicle instead of a potentially cancerous one.
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Benjamin Houghton has filed a federal claim against the West Los Angeles V-A Medical Center. The 47-year-old veteran was to have had his left testicle removed June 14th because there was a chance it could harbor cancer cells. It also was atrophied and painful.rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de3 V( c, o; @- ]8 X  a$ W1 d
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But medical records and the legal claim say doctors removed Houghton's healthy right testicle. The claim seeks 200-thousand dollars for future care and unspecified damages. He still hasn't had the other testicle removed.
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Houghton, his wife, and their attorney say they hope to get the V-A's attention by going public with the situation.人在德国 社区8 F: }: [1 F/ M4 M3 r. z3 a
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The hospital says it's apologized and changed practices as a result.