[国际新闻] 太完美的男人女人不爱

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" p+ ]0 C2 l! @$ ?. O! D2 y据中央社伦敦九日电,中兰开夏郡大学(University of Central Lancashire)对英国近二百位年龄平均二十三岁的女大学生进行调查,询问她们寻找人生伴侣时所需要的条件,并从六十名年龄在二十五到三十多岁征婚男性提供包括年龄、职业、性向、照片等个人广告中挑选。
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; b, G  q5 \. P# P/ j/ K+ s! {0 zrs238848.rs.hosteurope.de研究人员将这些征婚男性分为「极具吸引力」、「具吸引力」及「不具吸引力」三个类别,他们的行业从公司主管、建筑师、老师、邮差、园丁到服务生不一。
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% K* \$ J% e' O: w+ J' U研究人员进一步调查发现,女性认为,太完美的男人很难在长期的两性关系「从一而终」,担心他们条件太好,很可能外遇,而且没有时间陪家人或帮忙抚养小孩。

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. `4 S, x6 m9 z1 r5 g, a+ o  v1 PWhy women fall for 'Mr Average'
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High-flying men are not as attractive to women looking for love as those with an average job, scientists say. 人在德国 社区+ n# j: e- S$ M% x5 a. L, U
Perhaps unsurprisingly, the University of Central Lancashire research found the 186 female students asked preferred good-looking men.
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1 K0 r% H' k6 G( o: ^& Z5 N: K2 w5 R人在德国 社区But within that group, those without top careers were deemed most suitable, the Personality and Individual Differences journal reported.
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) Q, T, A  H: ?1 R8 p, d人在德国 社区The team said women seemed to feel high-flyers would not be good fathers. 人在德国 社区" y, G* E6 B  \: p+ s
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Lead researcher Simon Chu said the high-earning career men were deemed to be "too good to be true". 人在德国 社区  ^, B5 N) i( L- z! J

' [4 b" M" d  w" u# w% n"Under particular circumstances, high socio-economic status in males can be subtly counter-productive in terms of attractiveness as a long-term partner. rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de/ G$ _1 f# r7 l7 r( n5 l: N
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"We suggest that females see physically attractive, high status males as being more likely to pursue a mating strategy rather than a parenting strategy." " E# ^  U+ D) a5 A; N% K

2 x! v; s) @* x2 T0 ?# IUsing photographs of 60 men in their 20s, researchers asked students to rate them on a physical attractiveness scale.
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Six from the good looking group, six considered average and six judged unattractive were then selected. " I- u! b  a, S( A+ a' g+ h
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Alongside each photograph they added information on the man's age, what he was looking for in a partner and their profession.
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The professions included high-status jobs such as architects and company directors, medium-status positions such as teachers or travel agents and so-called lower-status roles such as gardeners and postmen. " }" Z7 u; r' E1 a7 D% B, p% V
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The researchers found that purely on looks, the best-looking men were assessed as the best partners.
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But within this group, when professions were taken into account, those good-looking men with medium status jobs came out top. % l/ C# ^3 Q+ H* _. ]" Y& U
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Ingrid Collins, a consultant psychologist at the London Medical Centre, agreed potential parenting and providing skills were important.
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# V3 W& M- t/ {9 \8 p# X; d"I think there will always be a pattern where women will take the lead in caring for the children.   k* @8 @+ ]6 I
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"Because of this they will tend to go for someone who can look after and provide for their family."

Mr Average.jpg (6.62 KB)

Women shunned high-flyers for men with average jobs

Mr Average.jpg

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