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英国童党近年流行一种名为「开心掌掴」(Happy slapping)的疯狂玩意,少男少女联群结队,随街向不认识的人疯狂掌掴兼拳打脚踢,有受害者曾遭活活打死。这个玩意最近出现变种,愈来愈多青少年喜欢用手机拍下朋友性交的照片或片段,然後公诸同好,传送给朋友分享。rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de1 n& f" ~) V' J" x
0 x3 D7 \% j& ~( t英国青少年拍摄友人进行性行为已蔚然成风,而且这股歪风正不断蔓延,有专家拿此现象跟用手机拍摄途人遇袭的开心掌掴相提并论,并认为现在的青年人轻而易举便从互联网或手机接触到色情资讯,因而逐渐对大胆吓人的影像或片段感麻木,加上学校的性教育不足,他们根本不会意识到拍摄别人性交有甚麽不妥,当然更不知道传送色情影像可能犯法。( D! I9 J' G* [3 }! i
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手机轻易下载色情资讯4 b \2 ]+ h B% |) w# w0 A' T
人在德国 社区) Z% |: @/ e9 V
最近的调查结果显示,英国9成10至19岁青少年都拥有手机,而且很多手机都配备拍照、摄录短片以及上网功能,用者要下载色情资讯,甚或与其他手机用户交换档案可谓易如反掌。rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de, N5 i5 z$ w p
- y% S: d3 \. n; e0 ]- a' rrs238848.rs.hosteurope.de英国沃里克郡利明顿皇家矿泉市处理儿童性问题的部门,在过去一年共处理了十多宗涉及用手机拍摄青少年性交或下载色情影像的个案,在最新的个案,一名13岁男童两星期前被揭发用手机拍下两名15岁同学性交的片段。rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de! T, u1 E8 y% ^7 v% I
1 L. D: B! L; N* H7 u: v5 e( Y16岁的麦金利则在去年5月一个派对上,用手机拍下同学与一名14岁女童性交的片段,短片在学校广泛流传,女童获悉後报警求助,麦金利上月出庭受审,获法官从轻发落,不用服刑。另外,有人拍下伦敦两名男童强奸一个11岁女孩的情况,片段曝光後,涉案男童被拘捕及起诉,但当局一直未有将案件提堂。
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1 k3 j/ z( |' K: B& O5 Drs238848.rs.hosteurope.deChildren film sex on their mobilesrs238848.rs.hosteurope.de8 x4 ]: X% N% w) G! L
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CHILDREN are using mobile phones to film each other having sex and are then sending the images to classmates.4 w2 _- _3 u+ b$ R# u( y( E: }
, R* B. t; J1 D$ E5 g人在德国 社区Experts say the trend is growing and draw comparisons to the “happy slapping” craze in which children use mobile phone cameras to film assaults on members of the public.
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* Q4 E$ _+ _; h3 f0 @! j% C5 ^ P7 nTwo weeks ago a 13-year-old boy was caught with footage on his mobile phone of two fellow pupils aged 15 having sex near their school in Warwickshire.
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# ~. S% c+ R# n! F8 U0 R# xIn another case last summer a 16-year-old boy used his mobile phone to film a 14-year-old girl having sex in a bedroom at a house party in Perth and sent the images to his school friends.rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de, A. A7 W3 H7 a" T0 I6 | O0 [9 W
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Some blame the trend on the ease with which children can access pornography on the internet or mobiles, so they become desensitised to images normally regarded as shocking.
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Andrew Durham, a consultant practitioner at the Sexualised Inappropriate Behaviours Service, which deals with children’s sexual problems, said: “It is now a feature within young people’s culture that these incidences get filmed. It is similar to the way people use phones to film others being assaulted.”% ^/ Z8 Z k" q+ Q! m2 s; q3 y
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The service, a council programme in Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, has treated a dozen cases in the past year involving children where sex acts were videoed on mobile phones or sexual behaviour was copied from images on the internet. |
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