[国际新闻] 海里来的礼物

载有危险化学品的「拿坡里号」集装箱轮十八日在英吉利海峡碰到暴风雨,船身两侧出现破洞,英、法两国紧急出动拖船,把拿坡里号拖至英国南部戴文郡布朗斯康贝靠岸,有二百个集装箱落海,大批值钱的物品冲上岸边,包含十数辆BMW重型摩托车、烈酒、洗发精和香水,数百民众闻讯赶往海边捡宝。人在德国 社区7 j8 |& _& Q; n$ Q3 s3 V
rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de% {0 y7 a+ D' I* X4 S; \) C  V) w
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Luxusrausch am Strand: "Napoli" wird geplündert
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  London (dpa) - Hunderte Plünderer haben im Süden Englands Luxusgüterausangeschwemmten Containern des im Orkan "Kyrill" gestrandeten Frachters"Napoli"geraubt. Die britische Küstenwache will aus der "Napoli" zur VerhinderungeinerUmweltkatastrophe 3200 Tonnen Öl abpumpen.
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1 A+ U; S1 F) b4 A8 U8 a8 qrs238848.rs.hosteurope.de  Bislang sind rund 200 Tonnen Öl aus dem auf Grund gesetzten Frachterausgelaufen.Der Treibstoff soll in zwei Transportschiffe überführt werden,damit er dieKüstenlandschaft zwischen Devon und Dorset nicht verseuchenkann. Der alsJurassic Coast bezeichnete Küstenabschnitt im Süden Englandsgehört zu denvon der UN-Organisation für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Kultur(UNESCO) alsWelterbe eingestuften Landschaften. Zugleich sollen gefährlicheContainergeborgen werden.# [# a! {) l  y( h5 m  A
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Ship scavengers 'could face court'rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de% o/ H7 H6 f0 f3 y4 R; l) w
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Jan 22 2007rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de; ~" F  r  N* F
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人在德国 社区+ A. X9 S: l6 H4 c
rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de6 l  h* G) e% z4 V6 k( u. ^
  Scavengers heading to the Devon coast in the hope of picking up goodswreckedfrom the Napoli container ship have been warned that they could endup incourt.3 W" z1 I% W/ t1 y" C9 ~" M

9 Q: _' R3 y9 r* @0 M0 p$ ~; J  Dozens of people flocked to beaches close to the vessel where containershavewashed ashore, scattering a bizarre array of goods along the shoreline., ~- }/ u4 ^  i( ^; [# ~! X

, |7 j2 I8 s2 E  L, V9 QThe huge sea vessel was carrying goods as diverse as barrels of wine, car parts, haircare products and even nappies.! W. b+ U# G3 ?$ W( ?% j! M2 Y* G

/ _- c/ {+ z% j! ^  Onlookers could be seen on Monday picking over the spilled contentsofbright yellow containers at Branscombe Beach, near Seaton./ M$ F8 p7 L( X+ \% o; n6 e, S

* z  J/ Y4 v0 B0 t( ]6 oOne enterprising group used a tractor to carry a new BMW motorbike, still partially-wrapped in cardboard, from one beach.
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  Sophia Exelby, of the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA), who isthe'receiver of wreck', said those who fail to report any goods could befinedup to £2,500.
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She said: "The legal position is that anything which is washed ashore is 'wreck' and that still belongs to the wreck owner.
2 ?0 H& T3 Q- H; N+ ^) z4 p3 K% d% M( n; z& |
"In the first instance they are arranging their own recovery operation and are requesting that people stay away.
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; {* L, G3 D5 z' o( l: e"If anybody has already made recoveries from the wreck they are obliged by law to report to the recoverer of wreck.: A7 t- n& o/ F

" R3 ?# H2 {& V. P. e* j- D& x- r8 [rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de"Failing to do so is a criminal offence, effectively they are stealing from the owners. The fine is up to £2,500 per offence."! p4 s" c1 q, ]8 X) I: a

  T- ?. l$ f0 d6 w! @人在德国 社区. o: }7 O% m5 C5 M% A
  An einem Strand in England stehen Plünderer mit einer nagelneuen BMW,diein einem Container der havarierten "Napoli" angespült wurde.
: Z# s' _) P( M& m% d! Q& r
& x- I' R5 u( U( C  S: ^& q$ o[ 本帖最后由 日月光 于 2007-1-22 22:22 编辑 ]

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Beute von der "Napoli"


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MSC Napoli.gif

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