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# S5 N* v5 |$ M# Y( L" Q+ SThe Creation Series of Poker (WSOP) bracelet is considered to be the most desired non-cash poker jackpot a punter can win. Since 1976, winners of each match at the annual WSOP take been awarded a bracelet. Set if the success happened formerly 1976, the WSOP Championship intermittently counts as "bracelets". In the senior years of the WSOP, no more than a infrequent bracelets were awarded each year. In 1990, there were only 14 bracelet events. Through 2000 that handful had risen to 24. As poker grew in renown in the 2000s, the add up of events also increased. In 2011, 58 bracelets were agreed-upon revealed at the WSOP, seven at the People Series of Poker Europe (WSOPE). The The public Series of Poker bracelet
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