

The Artistry of Michael Jordan: Hoopsencyclopedia's Mix Part 1

hoopsencyclopedia (8 hours ago) marked as spam  
Oneof the sickest moves hidden from the past that I'm going to put in thenext vid (should I find it) is one where he takes off from the 3 pointline with one hand and double pumps it while taking 3 steps in the airto swish it at the buzzer. That one is not even remotely human. 可能part2就会出现乔丹惊世害俗的三分线起跳拉杆压哨上篮!
The Artistry of Michael Jordan Part 1: Hoopsencyclopedia's Mix

Theeasiest compilation video to make is one of Michael Jordan. All youneed to do is take 5 games from his career and you'll have enoughmaterial for an entire news segment.

The most difficultcompilation video to make is one of Michael Jordan. If you take any 5games from his career, you'll have so much material you won't know whatto cut out
Therein lied the challenge of this edit for me. With thetons of MJ mixes out there, I wanted to do something more complete. Ialso wanted to focus on the aesthetics of his abilities. That led me toa path of picking not only classic clips, but rare ones and personalfavorites. For those who didn't grow up in the 80sbefore MJ became a champion, they can never know the full experience ofwhat watching Jordan was like. Before all the awards, the statistics,the monster games, the titles and the global appeal, MJ was about hisincredible moves. In the playground, people stuck their tongues out andtried to imitate his drives to the basket. Later on, people imitatedhis fadeaway. But his athletic moves were singular and his alone -awesome in aesthetics, control, spontaneity, improvisation, instinctand athleticism.

MJ revolutionized the game with his individualexploits and we see bits and pieces of this in everyone today. FromKobe studying his shooting mechanics to create shots to Wade attackingthe basket to Lebron transferring his power to his teammates to Iversonin his isolations to Carter in his dunking, MJ continues to be, asDrexler said, "The Pro's Pro".

But obviously, there will alwaysbe only one MJ. This video captures the essence of MJ stripped ofeverything but his pure, remarkable talents as completely as possiblein 10 minutes. A truly complete edit would take a video several dayslong - even weeks - but that that would be impossible anyway.

Byblurring the line between sport and art, MJ became the greatestathletic artist we will ever know. "Black Cat" was his nickname to hisfriends for his cat-like reflexes and grace and panther-like power andkiller instinct. This is my ultimate tribute, with excellence, inreturn for his excellence to the game of basketball.
就如滑翔机说的,乔丹是"The Pro's Pro".  

[ 本帖最后由 puzzle 于 2007-7-29 14:35 编辑 ]

刚看完 灵数23 这部电影,就在这里看到这个数字了。





原帖由 吉祥如意 于 2007-7-29 01:24 发表
