[国际新闻] 英国家具商弗雷德·伍德造三轮木头汽车

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' ~$ O1 L) w" v7 m; a4 i  伍德依据空气动力学原理,精心设计了一个线条流畅的全木车身。随后他又从家具市场上淘来上好的非洲桃花心木,造出一个厚度为6毫米的木质车身。最后,他为爱车涂上清漆,并起了“特亚尼二世”的名字。人在德国 社区. S5 v% l; h8 V0 \
人在德国 社区+ y! f# d& q: Z3 h, K' G! F

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" {; F8 @, x* f7 y; B& p- d7 ~1 F人在德国 社区The three-wheeled car made from wood( U* x- h  [9 M7 g

7 _, K4 A3 I7 B& X  b6 Trs238848.rs.hosteurope.deIt weighs just 900lb, has a top speed of 101mph -and is made entirely out of wood.人在德国 社区9 P% x5 L+ S# [9 S9 m3 |% `/ a
5 J* \" K. Z$ B  C9 T$ Y5 ?" Z$ Y- ?
It took furniture maker Friend Wood, 46, more than 2000 hours to build his three-wheel, tear-drop shaped car, which he has named 'Tryane II'.

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The wooden car has a top speed of 101mph

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The two-seater was put together using the chassis and 602cc engine from a Citroen 2CV. Mr Wood then built up layers of African mahogany around a basic mould using a boat-building technique known as 'cold moulding'.8 }) k* F5 I7 ^) ]# q
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The car is a a three-wheel adaption of the classic four-wheeled 1969 Citroen Diane and is able to do between 55 and 70 miles per gallon.6 Q0 q% ?) \# W9 O1 [

+ p& C. o8 z. N% h) y人在德国 社区[ 本帖最后由 日月光 于 2007-5-1 09:45 编辑 ]

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The Tryane II is built from layers of African mahogany

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