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这是今天谣言满天中,看到的唯一一个好消息,为我们的同胞自豪!来自cs 系的教授发

Dear all,

I would like to share with you the oustanding act of bravery that took place

today in Norris Hall. Without this wonderful courage the list of victims wou

have been longer with several Computer Science students. This is the story I

learned from XX and XX.

XX Cheng, our CS Ph.D. student, was substitute-teaching CS 4414 in 205

Norris Hall this morning. Around 9:45 very loud noises were heard from the

corridor. XX and one student went outside to see what was happening. What

they saw was a young men with a gun exiting a classroom. As soon as he saw t

he pointed the gun to them (and shot at them but missed). XX and the

student ran quickly back in the classroom and closed the door after them;

XX told the students to lay down; three men from the classroom rushed to

the door and held it closed. The killer tried several times to force-enter t

205 classroom. He then shot two bullets through the door inside the classroo

Fortunately these bullets did not hit anybody inside. The killer gave up and

went on to other classrooms ...
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