[国际新闻] 吃热狗的世界纪录被打破了

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1 Y  P" w6 d' F8 l# {* |9 [12分钟吞下59条半夹面包热狗
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% q+ B0 F* {6 Z22岁的切斯纳(Joey Chestnut)2日在亚利桑纳州坦培市参加国际吃热狗大赛的资格赛,12分钟吞下59条半夹在面包内的热狗,打破日本选手小林尊的世界纪录(53又四分之三条),赢得免费飞到纽约、一整年的热狗和250元的礼卡。国际吃热狗大赛将于7月4日在纽约康尼岛举行。2 @7 `. n% X! j4 |0 f( O/ f

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Joey Chestnut (left) and Takeru Kobayashi compete during Nathan's Famous Fourth of July hot dog eating contest in Coney Island, New York, in 2006. Kobayashi won that contest, but Chestnut broke his record Saturday by consuming 59.5 dogs.
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Man Eats Record-Breaking 59.5 Hot Dogsrs238848.rs.hosteurope.de. B5 \) s& t+ z$ {
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23-Year-Old Smashes Previous 53-Dog Record' P1 p9 H9 T  g! j) v" ^
人在德国 社区) H0 N2 ~" o* g  a# `/ z3 m8 {
PHOENIX -- A California man has smashed the world record for hot dog eating at a contest outside Phoenix, gobbling up more than 59 franks in 12 minutes. - K  @0 ~8 d+ V2 w" y1 S
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9 d. q. i" `& r8 V) {' W0 c5 m4 {Joey Chestnut of San Jose, 23, shattered the record held by Takeru Kobayashi of Japan. Chestnut downed the 59-plus hot dogs and buns during the Southwest Regional Hot Dog Eating Championship at the Arizona Mills Mall in suburban Tempe.; }1 v8 R: O% p2 j/ o
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Kobayashi's old record of 53.75 hot dogs was set last year at Nathan's Famous Fourth of July Hot Dog Eating Contest, held at Coney Island in New York.
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5 _; d# c) n- UChestnut placed second in last year's world championships, consuming 52 hot dogs. rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de9 p8 |9 m$ ]2 U( G; l
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Chestnut won a free trip to New York, a year's supply of hot dogs and a $250 gift card to the mall.
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# b1 _. J" P% f# a8 K人在德国 社区[ 本帖最后由 日月光 于 2007-6-3 16:04 编辑 ]
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