

想买dc //
预算2X00 //
选来选去广角防抖画质都重要 3000也成//
3X00 也差别不大 //
有人说了 4000还不如索性赶时髦上单反算了//
套机镜头都是狗头,什么锐度色彩,不想把单反变成dc 吧?//
弄个最便宜的L头吧 一七四〇 5000//
这样还不如把白L也上一支xxb 才五千 相比xb 9000 1740 5000不贵了吧?//
xxbis好啊 四档快门呢 1/200 1/125 1/60 1/30 哦 8500 值了 //
嘿,比xb 差不了几个钱了 2.8的诱惑还是硬指标哦//
防抖还是有用 xb is? 14000了吧 //


玩笑开过 .如何配置最是头痛问题
其实dc 足矣\套机足矣\狗头足矣
其次就是上个A1 反正不买镜头了

Fisheye: No known uses, except to illustrate fisheye effects in photo how-to books.
鱼眼: 没有已知用途,除了在摄影教科书中演示效果。

Ultra-wide rectilinears wider than 19mm: Occasional interiors. Alsoused to stump gearheads trying to find stuff to photograph with thethings.

Ultra-wide-angle (19, 20, 21, or 24mm): One of the four of fiveessential lenses for pros, broadly useful for artists and accomplishedamateurs. Used for landscapes, interiors, street shooting, crowd shots,etc. Also used by bored amateurs as the next thing to covet forpurchase. Despite the ubiquity of this focal length, relatively fewphotographers are practiced enough or visually acute enough to use thistype of lens effectively; lots more people own these than do good workwith them. See Brian Bowers’ Leica books for a rare example of a scenicphotographer who actually sees well with a 21mm.
超广角(19, 20, 21, or 24mm):专业人员最基本的镜头之一,广泛地被艺术家和熟练的爱好者使用。用于风景,室内,扫街,人堆(拥挤的),等等。同时也被无聊的爱好者作为下一个购买目标。尽管这个焦段随处可见,能够熟练且精准地使用它的摄影师却不多; 更多的人只是拥有罢了. 在Brian Bower的 Leicabooks可看到一些罕见的绝佳的使用21mm拍摄的风景照片.

Ultra-wide-angle zoom (wide end 20mm or wider): useful for when thephotographer would like to carry one heavy lens instead of three lightones, or has a breezy, devil-may-care attitude towards flare effects.Secondary “CYA” lens for pros who aren’t great with wide angles in thefirst place. (Exceptions do exist.) Also sometimes paired with a fast80-200mm zoom as a professional’s only two lenses.

Wide angles: Now that 24mm is more often lumped with 20mm and 35mm hasbecome an alternative “normal” focal length, this class has contracteddown to one fixed focal length, 28mm. Useful as a do-anything lens(especially for street and art photography, photojournalism, fauxphotojournalism, and environmental portraits) where a wide “look” isdesired, and/or to complement a 50mm main lens, and/or for pressinginto service in place of a super-wide when the photographer does notown same.
广角: 现在24mm更多地和20mm,35mm一起成为"常规"角段的另一选择. 这个等级的镜头浓缩为了一个定焦:28mm.一个有用的当摄影师希望广视角时的万能镜头 (特别适合扫街, 艺术, 新闻摄影, 伪新闻摄影(faux photojournalism),环境肖像), 或者作为50mm标头的补充, 或者当摄影师没有超广角的时候顶替一下.

Shift lenses: Buildings. Used for the overcorrection of convergence caused by perspective.
透视控制镜头(Shift lenses): 建筑物. 用来校正视觉透视导致的收敛(倾斜).

Ditto, but with tilt: Ditto above, plus landscapes with tons of foreground and tables laden with food.
Ditto, but with tilt: 复制上面的,在风景前加上一堆前景和放满食物的桌子。

“Pancake” Tessar-types, usually 45mm: Good for lightening the burden of photographers who would rather not carry an SLR at all.
薄饼装的, Tessar类, 多为45mm: 对减轻一个根本不想携带单反的摄影师的担子而言是很不错的.

All-purpose 28-200mm zoom lenses: Bad snapshots. Also great for makingfive rolls of film last a whole year. All-purpose = no purpose.
28-200全能变焦镜头: 劣质的用于照快照的镜头. 一年五卷胶卷, 全能=无用.

Wide normal primes (35mm): Alternative normal. Often, the thingreplaced by a zoom. Easiest focal length to shoot with. Best focallength for Leicas.Not really "wide" by today's standards, 35mm is analternative normal. Leica M6, 35mm pre-ASPH., Ilford XP-2.
常规广角镜(35mm): 备选的常规镜头. 它经常被变焦头替代. 最容易掌握的拍摄焦距. Leica最好的焦距. 相对今天的标准而言, 不是足够的"广", 是另一种常规镜头.

Normal/standard (50mm): Useful for taking photographs, if you have athick skin. When used exclusively, classic “hair shirt” lens fordisciplining oneself needlessly. Strangely, when in skilled hands, canmimic moderate wide angles as well as short telephotos. According toone far Eastern expert, lower yield of usable shots than 35mm lens, buthigher yield of great shots. Second best focal length for a Leica.
常规/标准(50mm): 用来拍照, 如果你脸皮够厚. 当单独使用时, 用于训练自己的经典“hair shirt”镜头就不再需要了.奇怪的是, 当有技巧的使用它时, 可以营造中度的广角和短长焦的效果. 根据一位远东的专家所言, 使用此镜头的产出低于35mm,但是好照片产出却高于. Leica的第二好焦距.

Standard 55–58mm: Shows you use a really, really old camera.
标准55-58mm: 展示你正在使用一款很很老的相机.

Macros/micros: Flowers, bugs, eyeballs, eyelashes, small products,tchotchkes. Dew-covered spider webs, frost patterns on windowpanes.Great hobby lenses, as macro photographers are among the only happyphoto enthusiasts. Also much utilized by photography buffs who like totest lenses.
微距: 花, 虫, 眼球, 睫毛, 小物品, 小装饰, 挂着露水的蜘蛛网, 窗玻璃上的霜花. 鉴于微距摄影师是幸福的狂热摄影爱好者的一员, 它是很好的爱好镜头. 同时总是被摄影迷们拿来测试镜头.

Superfast normals (ƒ/1, ƒ/1.2): Used for people who like limited depthof field, as well as for people who like to complain about limiteddepth of field. Also, especially when aspherical elements are involved,an effective way to vaporize excess cash for almost no good reason.
超高速常规(ƒ/1, ƒ/1.2):当人们需要有限的景深的时候使用,同样适合哪些总是对景深有抱怨的人士。当引入了非球面镜片后,便成了一个有效的,没有理由的,快速蒸发你的金钱的途径。

Standard zooms (35-70mm, 28-105mm, 35-135mm, etc.): Used for takingpictures in bright light—mainly snapshots, scenics, cars, travelpictures, seminaked women, underexposed pictures, and pictures blastedby uncontrolled on-camera flash. Evidently very useful for clichés.Sometimes used to remove interchangeability feature frominterchangeable-lens cameras.
标准变焦头(35-70mm, 28-105mm, 35-135mm, 等等.):用来在明亮的光线环境中拍摄快照(留念照?),风景,汽车,旅行图片,半裸女人,曝光不足的照片,和被没有控制的内置闪光破坏了的照片。显然对那些陈词滥调般的玩意儿是很有用的。有时也用于去除可交换镜头相机的镜头可交换特性。

Fast medium zooms: For pros, bread-and-butter lenses. For amateurs,often left at home rather than lugged around all day. If veryexpensive, big, and heavy, may be almost as good and almost as fast atany given focal length as cheap fixed primes. Good for making bothhobbyists and their portrait subjects feel self-conscious.

Short teles (75, 77, 80, 85, 90, 100, or 105mm): Portraits, tightlandscapes, headshots, beauty and glamor. In skilled hands, can be usedfor general and art photography, photojournalism. Essential.
短望远镜头(75, 77, 80, 85, 90, 100, or 105mm):肖像,tight(很难找到合适的词语来描述tight, 大意为紧绷的,压迫的)风景,头像,美女。在高水平的人手中,可以用来做常规或艺术摄影,新闻。必备镜头。

135mm prime: Little owned, less used. Became a standard 35mm focallength when rangefinders were the main camera type because it’s thelongest focal length that is feasible on a rangefinder. Now vestigial,like a male’s nipples.

Fast 180mm or 200mm prime: Longest general use lens forphotojournalism. Sports, beauty, auto races, surveillance in filmnoire.

Slow 180mm or 200mm prime: Lightweight and easy to carry. May project a certain “image,” i.e. that you are poor or cheap.

Standard telephoto zoom (70 or 80 to 180, 200, or 210): Whether slow orfast, indispensable for most photographers, amateur or pro. Used forall kinds of action, activity, fashion, portrait, headshot, reportage,sports, wildlife, landscape, and nature photography. Covers all thetelephoto range most photographers ever need, at least until theybecome afflicted by the terrible urge to photograph birds.
标准望远变焦(70或80到180, 200或210):无论快慢,对多数摄影师,爱好者或专业人员来说都是必须的。用来拍摄各种动作场面,活动,时装,人像,头像,报道图片,体育,野生动物和大自然摄影。涵盖了摄影师需要的所有的望远焦段。至少一直可以支持到他们开始被可怕地怂恿以至于迷恋拍摄鸟类。

IS (Canon) or VR (Nikon) standard telephoto zoom: Same as above, but for photographers who drink lotsa coffee and/or do crank.
IS (Canon) or VR (Nikon) 标准望远变焦: 同上, 但是只是为了那些喝了太多coffee或脾气暴躁的摄影师准备的.

Fast 300mm: Fashion, catalog, runway, sports, nature, air shows.Important lens for pros, also for nature photographers. Tough foramateurs unless shooting surreptitious faces in crowds or critters.Status symbol. As fashion, looks grand when accessorizing a photo vest.
300mm高速: 时装, 编目图片(插图), 跑道/河道, 体育, 大自然, 航空表演. 专业摄影师和大自然摄影师的重要镜头. 对业余爱好者来讲, 除了偷拍, 或拍摄生物以外, 无法使用. 地位的象征. 像时装一样, 穿上摄影背心显得很隆重.

Super-telephoto zooms (to 300mm or more on long end): For adjusting FOVwhen standpoint is constrained. Replaces several heavy primes.Sometimes pressed into service by amateurs who have burr up ass abouthaving all focal lengths “covered.”
超级望远变焦(到300mm或更远): 当站立点不佳时用来调整FOV(field of view). 用来替代一些重型的定焦. 一些时候也被一些业余爱好者用来声称所有焦段被覆盖了.

400mm: Critters, sports, and birds. Landscapes, if you’re a nut. Alsogood for photographing football games when you don’t want the pictureto show a dang thing about what’s going on.
400mm: 生物, 体育, 鸟类. 风景(如果你是个疯子). 足球比赛时, 如果你不想照片展示怎么回事的时候, 是很好的镜头.

500mm: Critters and birds. Money laundering: can be bought and sold toplacate wife about questionable expenses. “But I sold one of my lensesto pay for it, honey, honest.”
500mm: 生物和鸟. 洗钱, 可以买来再卖来消除可以的开支. "亲爱的, 我为了它可是卖了一个镜头呢! 真的!".

600mm: Critters.
600mm: 生物

1200mm: No known uses.
1200mm: 没有已知的用途

~net is infinite~
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