[活动区] 针对在亚琛外国学生的资金帮助项目。有空的同学可以去看看哈。

本帖最后由 好着勒 于 2012-11-19 23:24 编辑

Hi people,
on Wednesday we (the KHG) are organising a panel discussion rector of the RWTH (Schmachteneberg) and the rector of the FH (Baumann) . It is for our "hilfsfond" project.
We help international students in Aachen that get in financial trouble during the studies...if you are sick, become a child or get in any matter that makes you incapable to work and get money...so the idea is to give you like a kind of scholarship for 6 months to get out of the crisis.
We convinced the rector of the RWTH (Schmachteneberg) and the rector of the FH (Baumann) to support us. and they accepted to make an official opening of the project together on this Wednesday 21.11.12 at 20pm in the "großer Saal" in the KHG Aachen Pontsraße 74-76.
This project is for you international guys or for your international friends.....so pleeeeease if you have time just come to show presence, because being there with only 60 persons is kind of weird.... it′s going to be like 45-60min...and it can happen to everyone of us that we get in trouble and need such kind of help.

这周三晚上8点。 Pontstr. 74 - 76

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