The Breakthrough(雪儿提供下载,下载要尽快哦!)

专辑名:《The Breakthrough》
演唱者:Mary J. Blige
音乐风格:Contemporary R&B(当代R&B),Urban(城市音乐)
2005年岁末,R&B/Hip-Hop天后玛丽·J·布里奇(Mary J. Blige)发行了第八张个人专辑《The Breakthrough》。专辑在发行的第一周恰逢圣诞节,以72万7千张的高销量获得2005年度最后一周的Billboard 200专辑榜的冠军,不仅比名列本周第二的吉米·福克斯(Jamie Foxx)的《Unpredictable》高了近15万张,而这个销量数字还几乎相当于自己的上张专辑《Love & Life》三倍之多。《The Breakthrough》是Mary J. Blige第11张进入Billboard 200专辑榜的专辑,同时也是她继1997年的专辑《Share My World》和上张专辑《Love & Life》之后第三张冠军专辑。
《The Breakthrough》是Mary J. Blige改签Geffen公司后推出的第二张专辑。在这张专辑面世之前,有传言说出道12年的女王Mary J.Blige很可能将要推出精选集,以总结她这12年的音乐生涯,但Mary J. Blige以一张全新的专辑《The Breakthrough》送给了喜爱她歌迷们一份最好的圣诞礼物。《The Breakthrough》堪称Mary J. Blige出道以来最优秀的专辑之一。在专辑中助阵表演的嘉宾不仅包括老朋友Jay-Z,Raphael Saadiq,就连爱心大使波诺(Bono)和爵士名伶尼娜·西蒙尼(Nina Simone)也在其中。很显然,“女王”Mary J. Blige已经不如以前那么嚣张了,不断成熟的Blige在《The Breakthrough》运用了更为丰富的音乐元素,投入了更多的感情。专辑中首支单曲《Be Without You》就是一首写给自己宝贝女儿的歌曲,目前这首单曲已经在R&B/Hip-Hop单曲榜中进入本周前五。另外,在歌曲《Ain't Really Love》中,Blige还告诫我们:“让你受伤的爱可不是真爱!”,而最后一首同Bono合作的《One》也是一首足够出色的可以打榜的单曲。
Audio CD (December 20, 2005)
Label: Geffen Records
Nobody knows heartache like Mary J. knows heartache. But as she releases her seventh disc, perhaps more important is that nobody understands better how unquenchable our thirst to hear what it sounds like can be. The Breakthrough, contrary to run-up rumors, is no retrospective or greatest-hits package. Rather than reheat, Blige and producers Dr. Dre, Jimmy Jam, Terry Lewis, and tasked themselves with stirring a river of hurt into some of the highest-caliber hip-hop/soul to hit the airwaves since she burned up the Waiting to Exhale soundtrack with "Not Gon' Cry." Cameos alone could sell this disc: Brook, Jay-Z, Raphael Saadiq, and Bono step up. But it's the trademark ragged-edged soul of its star that shines brightest throughout the 16 tracks. "A love that tears you down ain't really love," a laid-bare Blige reminds us on "Ain't Really Love," after dedicating "Good Woman Down" to "my troubled sisters." Somewhere in between, she leaves absolutely no room for doubt that she just can't be without her baby ("Be Without You"). It's an exhilarating, love-affirming moment on a CD jammed full of them (check out "Can't Get Enough," with its echoes of a pleading Curtis Mayfield). Blige, never far from the thoughts of the lovelorn, didn't need a breakthrough, but anybody with an ear for artful confession will be glad she's given us The Breakthrough anyway.
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