[国际新闻] 中國人從鴉片戰爭中吸取到了什麼教訓? – 从中國三億五千萬煙民谈起

; K8 t' M. P1 u, k人在德国 社区
/ M+ Z* e  K3 s; _稿:中國人從鴉片戰爭中吸取到了什麼教訓? – 中國三億五千萬煙民谈起1 ~9 Z) I# I8 A1 j, S; u
原作:李焯欽(Kim Lee, kim.lee@citinetmortgage.com
; a3 N2 U9 g; c( E; U% k5 h翻譯:黃明輝(Jay Huang, jayhuang0131@hotmail.com
( N9 G# H# I* }( ]& Irs238848.rs.hosteurope.de校核:顏利平(Liping Yan, LYan_GE@yahoo.com
! E/ J( h: g# J rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de) e0 X( c; I0 ?% X  L
5 d5 f3 d- l" k(歐美) 煙草公司的圈套,不知不覺緩步邁向死亡。許多中國人喜歡外國貨,尤其是煙和酒。大約在一百五十年前,英國人誘使中國人上了鴉片癮,宣稱:上流人士一定要吸食鴉片,因為它可以使人忘却痛苦和煩惱。因此朝野高官富戶群起仿傚,以鴉片來作樂。到了1836年,鴉片遍佈在中國,泰國,新加坡,馬來西亞,
' @2 p8 g9 k6 _7 o( x: z緬甸,柬埔寨和越南各大城小鎮的旅店及餐館,鴉片簡直到了隨手可得的地步。5 E5 \' ]5 H6 j7 [
: {1 A" b- g/ ~' x" E+ C
1949年毛澤東主席領導的新中國關閉了中國所有的鴉片煙販售店,其它各國也緊跟其後,下達禁令紛紛關閉;可是仍拖延15年(到1964年)才全面停止。雖煙店關閉,英國人仍能從成千上萬有毒癮的人圖利,而這些生命不斷地被摧殘,下場只是枯萎和早死;鴉片如古柯鹼及其它違禁品一樣都是危害最深的毒品,比起核子武器有過之而無不及。鴉片會破壞人的精神意志,毒癮發作時,為了貪圖吸食一口,便鋌而走險;鴉片造就許多貪官汚吏;鴉片使許多青春年華者淪為娼妓。英國在十八及十九世紀主宰了毒品的供應,是當時最大的運銷國;而從事鴉片銷售的英國人,在中國不被起訴,英國法庭也無罪開釋。- q$ C# n- D" a5 ~( [6 g$ z

! ^+ U9 B# u( |: V5 d到了2008年的今天,美國煙草公司,在全中國各地大小公開場所、俱樂部等,以免費試用的方式鼓勵年輕人吸煙,並花百萬鈔票廣告促銷煙草。年輕人普遍認為吸煙會使他們更富吸引力;而殘酷的事實是年輕人吸煙後成為蒼老的吸煙群,煙癮具有超想像的殺傷力!在上海,公共浴室,廁所,電梯,餐廳,醫院,政府機關辦公室,火車上,公車上,到處可見人手一根煙,人們根本無視禁煙區的規定,不吸煙的人往往還被迫吸入二手煙。2 ]! w; C3 y! d! h) J- r& M9 h4 t
人在德国 社区5 T" n# B2 }/ g' w0 {
令人傷心的事實是,百萬中國人都不願在家人面前承認他們具有這種自發性的自殺行為;不幸地却是,煙草公司不停地從他們身上賺取億萬鈔票。這些癮君子已成了煙草公司的奴隸!$ d" }3 m" L2 p7 Q3 E
% m: H4 w; L" S" crs238848.rs.hosteurope.de
  i; E) j" h8 M+ s' s- \0 k在中國有三億五千萬人吸煙,比俄國,德國和日本三國的人口之和還多。每年有超過百萬的中國人因吸煙而喪命,醫療支出每年高達五十億美元。住在北京的烟民平均壽命從十年前的七十六歲降到如今的五十四歲(資料出處:上海市立社會科學研究院)
: i! ?2 u3 h* c% B人在德国 社区
' T$ f9 |( i7 |$ m1 o中國總人口佔全球的五分之一,然而煙的消費却高居全球的三分之一;中國人應多想想醫療成本和煙草的銷售間的經貿關係。據北京大學某研究中心的研究報導,2005年煙草銷售帶來稅收達兩仟四百億人民幣(折合三百一十億美元)
, Q5 T, `0 L* o) M2 |+ r9 ^( Y 人在德国 社区6 f& q( d; Q: i7 g* k
位於廣州的中山大學生物統計學敎授方繼前說:中國還落後於其它國家,當我們正處於醫療預算短缺時,為何不以控制煙草消費來解決?” 方敎授提出了一項反煙害建議,包括禁止作香煙廣告,禁止在公共場所吸煙,並逐漸禁止香煙的生產。) u  x$ l. {6 x  f4 C

  u% Q: `- q2 c. V0 Y人在德国 社区中國正面臨的最大挑戰是如何解決健保、水汚染、工業汚染、交通空氣汚染及飲用水短缺等方面的問題。我所到的每一個中國城市都有嚴重的汚染。人在德国 社区7 X. {6 Y: b  s
& e& [' s3 U$ U7 J
因抽煙和吸入汚染空氣,我經常看到人們隨地吐痰,並到處亂丟煙蒂。中國人已有許多的汚染問題,而煙害更是使人們所受之苦雪上加霜。. x- J7 `* N) U  H+ Q
! U+ `' g3 l3 r, T. N7 E$ r7 o6 _& q
( o+ Q1 D! N1 I- M9 n 6 M& |. v1 M1 `, y. Z4 P0 G4 d$ i
英文原文:: _+ ]. B& O6 n# B/ Q) n: z

What has China learned from the Opium War?

By Kim Lee

: e5 d2 N; Q0 k0 E! l
On my recent trip to China, I saw history repeating!  A high percentage of Chinese people are slowly being killed by foreign (American and European) tobacco companies. . h; p* W" Y! {  |5 L8 p- Y3 V
The Chinese love foreign products, especially cigarettes and wine.
0 x2 B! \) y7 _" X人在德国 社区About 150 years ago, the English seduced the Chinese with opium; “The high class Chinese should smoke opium, it will eliminate pains and troubles.”  Many high ranking Chinese government officers and wealthy Chinese people smoked opium for entertainment.# T% l, Q. i' Y* s0 Z. h& \
By 1836, opium houses rapidly increased and opened side-by-side with hotels and restaurants all over cities of China, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Burma, Cambodia and Vietnam.  

" L9 f8 D  a) M) \0 [8 t# |. ~ " a; t- F. q6 O  ^
In 1949, the New China let by Chairman Mao Zedong shut down all the opium houses in China.7 D1 s" w3 C0 L- z5 U4 t8 m+ Y9 ~1 l
Other countries followed its lead and began shutting their opium houses down.  It took about 15 years (1964) to complete shutting down the opium houses.
1 p3 r% Q6 ]% T  e! K3 c  l$ D, lrs238848.rs.hosteurope.deEven with the elimination of opium houses, the English continued to profit from the opium addicts and millions of Chinese people continued to whither and die at young ages.3 u! H4 o- a! b* u: a. K* S
Opium, like cocaine and other illegal drugs, is one of the worst forms of violence, more powerful and damaging than nuclear weapon.rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de4 q2 B" A! [: p0 R! G% v8 _
Opium corrupts the mind of people and can lead people to committing more crimes.
9 Y& P7 X  B4 d& g7 i' }Government officers easily accepted bribes and corrupted. Young girls are willing to be prostitutes for opium or drugs.6 Y. a' G! j, [
The English were the biggest drug traffickers of the eighteenth and nineteenth century and in return gained control.  The English people who sold opium in China were not prosecuted in China and the English courts set them free.

2 J' w) R" Q0 y% m9 ]$ W
4 ]  w8 p- o! U4 q. [人在德国 社区Now in 2008, the American tobacco companies hand out free cigarettes to the young people at clubs and at any public place all over China.7 E% j+ J7 X$ V% q4 z. i. A, A8 L# g
They spend millions of dollars in advertising and promoting cigarettes.
1 y3 t. d4 }6 R+ J: D- \! zLots of young people think smoking will make them more attractive.  S2 U8 L& l9 C  T  p
The likely results are that the young men and women who smoke become old men and women who smoke.人在德国 社区; k4 n7 z5 i/ \  b! N0 l% O( {+ k  e
The addiction is overwhelmingly powerful.  In Shanghai, people smoke everywhere whether confined or not.rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de) ^# P9 |/ ?! z+ K; O% p
People smoke in bathrooms, in elevators, in restaurants, in hospitals, in government offices, inside the trains and inside buses.  Even the people who choose not to smoke end up breathing second hand smoke.
人在德国 社区( [0 D6 v9 n# u* t4 U* f8 v4 m
rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de  I. l1 W& {1 n+ d3 n
The sad facts are that millions of Chinese don’t want to admit they are voluntarily committing suicide in front of their family members, while the tobacco companies continue profiting billions of dollars from the smokers.rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de2 H; {  `. u- Z. M; w; ~
The smokers have become slaves to the tobacco companies!
rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de, e% T( D5 e5 |& i1 B5 n5 e
! a" c8 |; g0 i! ~2 X7 R+ T% z
How do we solve this problem?  I used to think that cigarettes were the main cause of the problem, but I was wrong.  The problem is not the cigarette itself but the thinking process of the smokers.
0 k- \. G2 ]7 X! T+ y7 o/ fEvery time they light up a cigarette, they think of the taste, smell, and relief of the cigarette.  The addiction takes hostage of their minds.  I want to direct them to think deeper and help them realize that every time they light up their cigarettes they are consuming poison, they are hurting their family, they will have to pay heavy medical bills, and they will die early.  Smokers do have a choice and can regain control to make the right choice!

- L7 J& }# K- `! F# P# u- X rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de& M& p2 L5 p& N% u! E: w3 e
China has 350 million smokers, more than the entire population of Russia, Germany, and Japan combined.
& w2 O9 |1 \. K& v7 Irs238848.rs.hosteurope.deThe habit kills about a million people a year in China and costs an estimated $5 billion annually in medical bills.人在德国 社区. X3 X/ ?" l. D
The life expectancy on average for Chinese people in Beijing dropped to 54 years of age from 76 years when a decade ago (Shanghai Municipal Academy of social Science).
- U  u/ j( d5 ]: N% v. o; T( s1 H

6 e; e' M  ~- Z* S4 kChina, which consumes a third of the world's tobacco with a fifth of the world’s population, must mediate between cutting health care costs and its financial stake in tobacco, which generated 240 billion Yuan, or $31 billion, in taxes in 2005, according to a study at a Beijing University research center.4 L. I3 u! l: @+ e* S0 C3 X
2 f' A" P/ s2 O" Q# B
"China is lagging behind the world," said Fang Ji-qian, a biostatistics professor at Zhongshan University in Guangzhou who put forward one of the anti-smoking proposals. "We face a budget shortage for medical services, so why don't we take measures to control smoking?"  Professor Fang proposed a ban on advertising, smoking in public places, and eventually tobacco production.
6 _3 r. f, `" s; A4 j rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de0 ^) O7 Z7 t7 k# f! G
China is facing the biggest challenge in solving problems in health care, water pollution, industry pollution, traffic air pollution, and shortage of drinking water.- C) @/ w5 }$ x; `, H, H7 k3 E! k
Every city I have been to in China was heavily polluted.  
& O& X9 Y- c) t+ q& y1 Z9 I& k
+ S; E7 w4 G1 b! U7 r2 y
Due to smoking and breathing the pollution, I constantly saw people spitting to clear their throats and dropping their cigarette buts everywhere.  Chinese people have enough pollution problems as is, but smoking is one problem in which the Chinese people have more direct and immediate reign on.
" V& G! y( v- [, P& Y 人在德国 社区5 ^& J& p. X6 E3 \. Y7 y
In 1836, the Qing Emperor ruled opium as illegal.
+ m9 ]0 J$ E2 Y0 q" V' hToday, the Chinese government must regard cigarette use as detrimental as opium and as an addictive drug that is extremely harmful to people’s health.
  w/ ?2 @1 O  w* ^Smoking restrictions need to be implemented, particularly in areas that affect non-smokers and children.6 t& B9 c. t( ^% Z+ R
Top government officials need to educate and set good examples for the country to follow.! r# C8 V. r/ c5 x3 N* g9 `
The Department of Education, Food & Drug Administration, Environment Protection Agency, along with other government agencies must team-up together and regulate the tobacco industries.2 N: _4 {/ @% ]/ P/ h
Local Chinese tobacco farms and factories need to be terminated completely.  We have the responsibility to help educate and save the lives of the young and the future generations.- w7 {: e8 Z) B; m4 P2 K4 C2 ]
Let’s do something!

' F$ ?4 m2 G6 K+ ^" l2 \人在德国 社区==============================================
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