[社会新闻] 纽约林肯中心2月2日起在大都会歌剧院上演《尼克松在中国》(NIXON IN CHINA)

世界艺术殿堂纽约林肯中心于2月2日起在大都会歌剧院上演《尼克松在中国》(NIXON IN CHINA)。. ]8 D) }1 S8 S! J* c
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图为 “国宴菜”的冷盘有8道之多,并以蔬果雕刻的熊猫和核桃仁制作的太湖石造型代替插花。
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It’s hard to believe that “Nixon in China,” John Adams and Alice Goodman’s four-hour opera inspired by Richard Nixon’s diplomatic trip to China in 1972, is only now making its Metropolitan Opera debut — about 25 years after it first premiered in Houston.
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3 {1 D# |" P5 N4 V7 R1 T2 sIt has since become one of the most admired American operas. Fittingly enough, Peter Sellars’ production essentially re-creates the original staging, complete with Mark Morris’ dance choreography. James Maddalena, who originated the role of Nixon, is still playing the president.
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In this photo released by the Metropolitan Opera, Russell Braun is Chou En-lai, left; James Maddalena is Richard Nixon, second left; Kathleen Kim is Chiang Ch'ing, center right and Janis Kelly is Pat Nixon, during a dress rehearsal of "Nixon in China," Sunday, Jan. 26, 2011 at the Metropolitan Opera in New York. In the back row Tamara Mumford, left; Ginger Costa Jackson, center and Teresa S. Herold portray Mao's three secretaries.rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de& C, {7 ~+ F' j& O/ u

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+ \' n8 V1 k8 w: V3 ~& x# _In this photo released by the Metropolitan Opera, James Maddalena portrays President Richard Nixon during a dress rehearsal of "Nixon in China," Sunday, Jan. 26, 2011 at the Metropolitan Opera in New York., [% c8 }6 u/ L( E" y

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In this photo released by the Metropolitan Opera, James Maddalena portrays Richard Nixon, left; and Janis Kelly is Pat Nixon, center, during a dress rehearsal of "Nixon in China," at the Metropolitan Opera in New York, Sunday, Jan. 26, 2011. At left center left, is dancer Haruno Yamazaki and dancer Kanji Segawa is at right.