[社会新闻] 警察破车窗救婴 救了个洋娃娃

2011-07-314 g+ b2 r8 r5 h4 F9 {
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有人报案,一个婴儿大热天被放在空车中。警察赶到破窗救人。把孩子抱出来一看,结果是个洋娃娃。人在德国 社区5 |. A7 A7 h6 s7 N4 N. |' b
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. Q5 ^/ R! z3 U  l7 [5 K! F  [人在德国 社区Police smash their way into car to rescue baby on a hot day... only to discover a DOLL
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人在德国 社区; [, v5 |. ]- M% o
When police heard reports of a baby trapped in a car, they rushed to rescue it.
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And on realising that the only way to get into the car would be to break a window, they quickly did their duty., M; _% ?9 n8 T8 J# e1 O  C

4 |* ^* _/ [0 A; n( _7 A1 hBut moments later, they were embarrassed to realise that the baby they had gone to such lengths to save was in fact a doll.
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; w$ S5 h- S1 G. D, T人在德国 社区
9 |" k4 _) z8 |Lifelike: Sam the doll is so realistic that police broke into Victoria Cristofis's car (pictured) in Worksop, Nottinghamshire, to get it out

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