[社会新闻] 女人多半怕照相

2011年07月21日    中广新闻网人在德国 社区7 [3 {+ K: T+ y% M3 C3 D
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; T# Q+ f9 \& f, a# }9 S; u6 b  这项调查发现,七成五的妇女由于担心自己的外貌而不愿意照相。而非照不可的时候,多数妇女嫌自己笑得不够美,三分之一嫌自己的牙不够白,四分之一又嫌自己没坐正。
9 G4 p; K! j4 l: q  ?) {- w* s人在德国 社区
4 i- C( m# S; w3 P4 |8 t2 J人在德国 社区  知名摄影师「丹尼尔肯尼迪」建议,真笑比假笑迷人。千万别听影师的指挥堆出笑来。他还建议,照相的时候发ㄡ或是ㄆ的音,嘴看起来较性感。当然也别忘了涂些护唇膏,让嘴唇看起来不会太乾。
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, w1 r* t& e4 E8 f. U- {6 ~* zWomen love to pose, but hate the picture
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Half of women are so critical of their appearance that they hate looking at photographs of themselves, while 75 per cent will run for cover to avoid appearing in snaps altogether.
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A study has found that even women who brave the camera complain that they don’t like their smile, with 14 per cent moaning about smile-lines. Women are also likely to criticise their outfit choice or be embarrassed about having their eyes closed.
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9 b; c+ Q, C) Q8 R& aAnd it’s not just snap happy nights out that leave women cringing at the photographic evidence, but even on the happiest day of their lives - 36 per cent of brides feel anxious about being the focus of the camera lens.
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Many women fear that pictures of themselves will attract catty comments as vanity reigns on social networking sites such as Facebook. But despite women’s smile insecurities, a survey by Macleans toothpaste claims men say the first thing that attracts them to a woman is her smile.3 p7 s( b! Y& E; l' p
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Celebrity photographer Daniel Kennedy, who has worked with Angelina Jolie and Thandie Newton, says self-conscious women just need to enjoy themselves. ‘A natural smile that goes through to the eyes is far more attractive than a fake one. Keep your chin down and look through your eyelashes for a face-slimming look that enhances your cheekbones,’ says Daniel.
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