[国际新闻] 半数英国人有德国血统

英国与德国在许多方面都是死对头,不论是在两次世界大战,或是在足球场上,但是最近有研究显示,英国与德国关系的亲密度,远超过许多人的想像。+ k% r; g. f& Q, X: ]) S* l
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  遗传专家表示,半数英国人有德国血统,这是在罗马帝国沦亡后,「盎格鲁萨克逊」移民的结果。人在德国 社区+ o6 E" L: M* v8 Q7 g6 W7 R
人在德国 社区" _7 A3 S. W4 ~4 x) q
1 O' K3 {- K0 k- W  @rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de
0 y; d1 U6 K- c' {# S3 L8 T  英国「瑞丁大学」考古学家「哈克」说,在第五、第六世纪,将近有20万移民抵达「英格兰」东南部。并说,「盎格鲁萨克逊人」很快地佔据「不列颠」,并改变了当地居民的遗传架构。人在德国 社区' g4 Y- y* V8 L( I3 N. ?( q

: H4 }  z/ g; y: F( ?! J/ b  另一项有关「牛津」墓园的研究也显示出,其中四分之一的陪葬文物与德国「易北河」流域发现的一样。
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% m$ G& U) B. K& Y& zEngland prepare to take on Germany at the 1966 World Cup. Archaeological evidence now suggests that 50 per cent of Britons have German blood flowing through their veins人在德国 社区! z$ M0 l% ~/ |2 h3 S

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  n% f7 p  @# u9 {: N0 R人在德国 社区A grand Anglo-Saxon helmet. Thousands of invaders from the continent crossed the North Sea to settle in what is today the United Kingdom./ T* [4 L% s; V& q, I! h
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rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de: ~+ S2 R. C" H) E0 n, F
This boat was built around the year 320 A.D. in South Jutland. Like the helmet, it can be found at the Schloss Gottorf Museum in the northern German city of Schleswig.. B, v1 _8 B) p5 E: N5 l% V! ?+ n
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  l- C/ O3 L( Z7 y6 A* ^A collection of Anglo-Saxon gold, part of the Staffordshire Hoard which was the largest such find ever recorded. It was unearthed in 2009 in central England and is now housed in two museums.
