[国际新闻] 德国政府被批应对大肠杆菌疫情不力

德国政府正面临国内外越来越大的批评,人们指责它应对此次大肠杆菌疫情不力。报道说,这一疫情正在德国境内蔓延,其影响范围似乎并不清楚,时值欧洲面临严重的债务危机之际,疫情增加了欧洲的困苦。7 b. v8 F& K+ F- t, B4 P

& s: W" F* v. W报道说,据德国的疾病控制机构罗伯特•科赫研究所(Robert Koch Institute)说,截至本周二,德国全境报告的证实或疑似感染大肠杆菌的病例为2,325例,其中640人出现了有可能致人死命的并发症,这一症状会影响人的肾脏和神经系统。但报道指出,德意志新闻社基于德国各州统计数据汇总的数据显示,德国证实或疑似感染大肠杆菌的病例已达3,000例左右,远高于罗伯特•科赫研究所的评估数据。1 Y2 N' @- W6 h) }8 M% Y

, P  e+ y1 g8 i' {人在德国 社区Germany Is Criticized Even as E. Coli Outbreak Slows( {1 \  `9 M( p1 M  c

5 f" H' ?! V) B: s3 N1 mJune 7, 2011
9 s2 i: T9 [" a% p4 q, Z人在德国 社区' o/ L5 w7 R8 u8 f* c3 N- {8 y0 u
PARIS — The German government came under increased criticism on Tuesday at home and abroad, accused of mismanaging the crisis surrounding an E. coli outbreak that has killed more than 20 people.人在德国 社区" y. e; ]: q1 `1 o/ ~: q! H
& K4 `7 L( p0 m/ ^* X9 E
German officials, however, reported a slight fall in the rate of newly reported infections. “There is much to suggest that we have put the worst behind us,” said Daniel Bahr, the federal health minister. Still, officials said they did not know the source of the outbreak.) e0 j- g1 ~: }& r( a, h5 O% U+ ^8 N
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According to the Robert Koch Institute, Germany’s disease control agency, as of Tuesday 2,325 confirmed and suspected cases of E. coli infection have been reported across Germany since early May, about 640 of them involving a potentially lethal complication that affects the kidneys and the nerve system.rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de3 z' b$ V. |% j6 K1 m6 z& h

1 u4 t  |* V9 BThe World Health Organization has reported 23 deaths, 22 in Germany and 1 in Sweden. The Koch Institute, which put the death toll at 22, said 16 of those deaths came from the complication.
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The levels of new cases “suggest a slight reduction,” the institute said on its Web site, but “it cannot currently be determined whether this reduction will continue.” + |! y/ ^8 O2 e0 W, v

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德国卫生部长丹尼尔.巴尔2 y* J- R' U' u, U
Gesundheitsminister Bahr: Jagd nach dem Feind# Z1 G: B7 o- @$ D3 J0 @6 E
Bahrs Ehec-Krisenmanagement
8 G  ]; f% u8 g$ M' y! bVerseucht, verheddert, vermurkst
3 F4 V! h$ q2 G/ r
; n& g# p+ C- u, d6 c
6 g2 b% J3 N# j8 ]/ G" @Erst Gurken, dann Sprossen - und nun? Deutschlands oberster Ehec-Manager Daniel Bahr jagt erfolglos nach dem Feind im Essen. Statt Führungsstärke zu zeigen, sieht der FDP-Minister zu, wie Erkenntnisse im Behördendickicht festhängen.
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