本帖最后由 亚琛学生学者会 于 2017-9-12 14:28 编辑
创新“智”造未来 Innovation & wisdom create the future
——小鹏汽车海外专场招聘 ==Xiaopeng Motors’ overseas recruitment
代步就够了吗? Enough to have just a means of transportation?
不,我们认为汽车正由代步工具进化为你的出行伴侣。我们相信进化的不仅仅是驱动方式与配置,真正的进化是为用户带来极致的使用体验,拓展你的生活宽度而不仅仅是出行半径。 No, we think that cars are evolving fromyour means of transportation into your travel partner. We believe that this evolutionis not just about the driving pattern or the configuration but also about your ultimatedriving experience, to expand your life’s bandwidth but not just the radius ofyour travel.
自由就是从A到B? Freedomis just from A to B? 过去,人们把驾驶的乐趣限定在双手和方向盘;未来,我们希望解放你的双手,以全新的驾乘体验让您享受到拥有更自由的时间和空间的乐趣。 Today, for the fun of driving, you need tocontrol both pedals and steering wheel; in the future, we will free yourselfcompletely and have you enjoy the brand-new driving experience with more freetime and space.
为什要千人一面? Whyshould everybody look the same? 我们每一个人都是独特的个体,为什么我们的车却要千篇一律?我们坚持每一位用户的个性都应该得到充分释放,并且在TA的专属座驾上得到延续。 Every one of us is a different individual,but why should our cars be the same? We insist that every user should followhis/her own way, and continue to keep it in his/her exclusive car.
能有谁比你更了解自己? Whoknows you better than you do? 还有什么比自己亲自参与打造爱车更酷呢?真正让用户更多的参与到造车过程,更多的定义自己的爱车——我们认为这才是真正的用户之车。 Is there anything cooler than making yourown car? We believe that it is a real car of yourself only if when you are moreinvolved in its specification and development.
以极致的互联网汽车产品为基础,我们致力于应用新的技术、工艺和商业模式,造年轻人喜爱的汽车。重新定义用户使用、购买、维护等所有与汽车相关的过程,为用户提供超越期待的出行体验。 Based on the ultimate automotive productsof the Internet, we are committed to applying new technologies, process and businessmodels to create cars that are popular with young people. We redefine allvehicle related process such as driving, purchase, maintenance, etc., andprovide users the travel experience beyond expectations.
我们致力于成为一家以极致产品,服务用户为使命的公司,我们将致力于推进开门造车理念、让用户能够更多的参与到造车过程,更多的定义自己喜欢的产品。 We are committed to become a company withthe mission to provide the ultimate product and service to our users. We willwork to promote “open door” policy which will offer our users more chance toparticipate in the process of defining and making their own favorite products.
我们是小鹏汽车。 We are XiaopengMotors.
▲小鹏汽车Beta 版 ▲Beta Version of Xiaopeng Motors’ Davidprogram
我们相信百年汽车工业的拐点已经到来,汽车电动化、智能化、网联化才是未来发展方向所在,我们坚信这个趋势并致力于这场技术变革。 We believe that the turning point of the automotiveindustry of more than one hundred years history is coming. Electrification,intelligentization and internetization will be the future direction, and webelieve in this trend and are committed to this technology revolution.
▲小鹏汽车智能中控大屏可实现对车内大部分功能的控制,兼具导航、音乐、蓝牙电话等智能娱乐系统。 ▲Xiaopeng Motors’smart touchscreen is your control panel for most of the functions, including navigation,music, entertainment and other Bluetooth based smart phone systems.
▲小鹏汽车车顶摄像头,拍照、分享,留住只属于你的精彩。 XiaopengMotors’ roof camera can catchany wonderful moment, share it with your friends or keep It just for you.
▲小鹏汽车远程控制,可远程开启空调、控制充电、查看车况、导航寻车、远程拍照分享等。 ▲Xiaopeng Motors’remote control system can manage remotely the vehicle charging, statusmonitoring, location tracking, roof camera sharing, etc..
很幸运,在已经开启的这场汽车革命中,互联网的蓬勃发展为智能汽车提供了良好的技术支持,全球巨大的汽车消费市场及各国政府层面对新能源汽车的重视,为新能源智能汽车提供了广阔的市场空间,让新能源智能汽车得到了各方的关注和青睐。 Fortunately, in this automotive revolution juststarted, the rapid development of the Internet technology has provided a goodtechnical support for smart vehicles. And the giant global automotive consumermarket and the governments’ support around the world on new energy vehicles haveprovided a huge market for smart new energy vehicles and have made it popularin every respect.
作为中国新造车势力中的佼佼者,成立于2014年中的小鹏汽车在项目启动伊始即获得来自阿里巴巴、YY等互联网公司高管的天使投资。2017年6月获得神州优车产业基金领投的22亿元A轮投资,同时与肇庆市政府共同合作规划的百亿级生产基地也正式落地建设,从而完成了从研发、生产、销售到售后的完整布局。 As one of the outstanding new start-upautomotive OEMs in China, Xiaopeng motors, founded in 2014, received the angelinvestment from Alibaba, YY and some other Internet Company executives in thevery beginning. In June 2017, Xiaopeng Motors received another 2.2 billion RMBas Series A Funding from a group led by UCAR. At the same time, themanufacturing base planed jointly with the Zhaoqing municipal government was officiallylaunched, which has completed Xiaopeng Motors’ blueprint of R&D, production,sales and customer service.
▲小鹏汽车百亿级生产基地落户中国广东肇庆,得到政府层面大力支持 XiaopengMotors’ production base located in Zhaoqing, China has receivedgovernment support
▲小鹏汽车获得优车产业基金领投A轮22亿元融资,完成从研发、生产到销售、售后的全产业链布局。 Xiaopeng Motors received another 2.2 billion RMB as Series AFunding from a group led by UCAR, which has completed Xiaopeng Motors’blueprint of R&D, production, sales and customer service.
▲ 小鹏汽车联手海格通信打造“20厘米车道级”导航 Xiaopeng Motors cooperated with Haige Communication tocreate navigation with “the 20 cm lane level”
▲ 小鹏汽车携手博世加速自动驾驶功能落地
Xiaopeng Motors cooperated with the BOSCH tospeed up autonomous drive development
我们生于一个充满创新和变革的时代,未来有着无限的可能。在此我们向那个内心依旧澎湃、渴望顺势而为的你发出诚挚的邀请,加入小鹏,一起做一些不一样的事情。 We are living inan era of innovation and revolution. The future is full of possibility. Weoffer a sincere invitation to the person who has great passion to conform tothe historical trend of the time and to change the world. Join Xiaopeng Motorsand make a difference with us!
了解更多,请登入小鹏汽车官网:https://www.xiaopeng.com/ To learn more,please visit the official website of the XPENG MOTORS:https://www.xiaopeng.com/
可现场投递简历或将简历预先投递至:hr@xiaopeng.com Personal resume can be delivered to: hr@xiaopeng.com
小鹏汽车德国招聘行程: XiaopengMotors recruitment tour in Germany
Novotel Aachen City Hotel Peterstrasse 66, 52062 Aachen September 16th (Samstag)14:20-17:30
Agenda 14:20 - 15:15 Salon I -Vorträge:XPENG MOTORS: "Innovation gestaltetZukunft" He,Tao,Mitbegründer und Vizepräsident Ji,Yu,Vizepräsident für Produktion Zhou,Hong,Chefingenieur für Fahrsicherheitssysteme 15:15 - 15:30 Kaffeepause 15:30 - 16:30 Salon II -Diskussion:XPENG MOTORS: "Innovation gestaltetZukunft" 16:30 - 17:30 Tiefgehendere Gespräche mitinteressierten Teilnehmern
Hotel Campus Guest (Commundo Tagungshotel Stuttgart) Universitätstrasse 34, 70569 Stuttgart September 17th (Sonntag)14:20-17:30
Agenda 14:20 - 15:15 Salon I -Vorträge:XPENG MOTORS: "Innovation gestaltetZukunft" He,Tao,Mitbegründer und Vizepräsident Ji,Yu, Vizepräsidentfür Produktion Zhou,Hong,Chefingenieur für Fahrsicherheitssysteme 15:15 - 15:30 Kaffeepause 15:30 - 16:30 Salon II -Diskussion:XPENG MOTORS: "Innovation gestaltetZukunft" 16:30 -17:30 Tiefgehendere Gespräche mit interessierten Teilnehmern
社会招聘方向: Social Recruitment 业务领域 Business field
| 岗位方向 Job description | 职位需求 Position | 智能网联领域
intelligent-connected vehicle technology | 智能驾驶、车载嵌入式电子等
artificial intelligence,Internet of vehicle and other dierections | 总师、高级工程师
Chief Engineer/Senior Engineer | 新能源领域
New Energy | 电池、电机、电控等
battery technology,Electric Motor System,IPU and other directions | 总师、高级工程师
Chief Engineer/Senior Engineer | 整车工程领域
vehicle engineering and technology | 性能集成、底盘、车身、智能制造等
Vehicle performance integration,Chassis,Body Engineering,Intelligent manufacturing and other directions | 总师、高级工程师
Chief Engineer/Senior Engineer |
校园招聘方向: CampusRecruitment
专业 Major
| 岗位方向 Job description | 电气工程 Electrical Engineering | 新能源汽车、电池技术等 New energy vehicles,battery technology and other directions | 计算机工程 Computer Engineering | 智能驾驶、车联网、人工智能、机器学习、大数据、车载嵌入式电子等 Artificial intelligence,Machine learning,Big date,Intelligent driving,Internet of vehicle and other dierections | 机械工程等与汽车相关专业 Mechanical Engineering and other auto related major | 性能集成、底盘、车身等 Vehicle performance integration,Chassis,Body Engineering and other directions |