
International brand of exclusive designer smartphones and accessories handcrafted from luxury materials. ) Q/ }( m0 L8 j8 A
The first jewelry smartphone was released in 2011. Thus began the era of smart luxury, where individuality became the quintessence of an elite audience.
: j$ O/ l" L' U2 V  s0 K7 o人在德国 社区We offer custom smartphones iPhone and Samsung, luxury watches with tourbillon and Apple Watch, elite python leather cases, unique sneakers based on Nike, Sony Playstation5. / V. u0 @/ a6 [
The latest development is the Tesla electric car concept.
: r* R* Z6 E: R/ XIn the manufacture we use gold, silver, titanium, artifacts. Craftsmen can turn any accessory into a customized luxury device. - f. }" K8 M; l5 j$ }% `" B