[国际新闻] 杀死拉丹的那支枪 德国造

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  特种作战领域的最大秘密——即来自美国海军特种作战群“海豹” 特种部队的士兵究竟是用哪支枪杀死本 拉丹的——已经揭晓。两篇军事装备博客援引多名内部消息人士的话说,可靠性极高的HK416 步枪,将两颗5 .56毫米子弹“双连发”送入了本 拉丹的脑袋。
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  尽管军方没有透露“海豹”特种部队士兵使用的是哪种步枪,但《陆军时报》网站军备侦察栏目和士兵系统网两家网站称,他们使用的是德国黑克勒一科赫公司为“三角洲”特种部队设计制造的HK416 步枪,这种步枪正在被多国军队广泛使用。' ]% d% d! E* f8 _; O7 F
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  《陆军时报》网站称:“刚从特种作战部队的一位老兵那里得知,袭击马萨马 本 拉丹卧室的‘海豹’特种部队红队成员,使用的是 HK416步枪。”rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de6 A! M' l6 S( \0 H
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  士兵系统网站则补充说,本 拉丹是“被一支德国造HK416步枪射杀的,我从一开始就这么认为”。- }- K, n. Y6 A' M
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9 N8 t; y$ q7 O3 B人在德国 社区  一名与“海豹”特种部队关系紧密的消息人士私下表示,这些报道“肯定是真实的”。他补充说,突击队员很可能拥有多种不同武器,且有可能携带了枪管较短的步枪。& L/ ~" k( t* ~& v
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, t. ]* _+ d/ |& `rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de  黑克勒一科赫公司并未立即就此事发表评论。该公司在其网站上称,HK416步枪是“海豹”特种部队的完美武器:它使用5.56毫米子弹,内部的导气装置不会像其他步枪那样把武器弄脏。在射出2万发子弹后,射击精度仅有微弱降低,并且能够在浸水且未完全干燥的情况下进行射击。
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5 b" e- a7 u6 q$ b9 q8 z. VSources say the HK416 rifle was used to kill bin Laden.rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de$ b+ q8 j" v9 L9 C& M/ a4 O

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The Gun That Killed Osama bin Laden Revealed
. ^4 J6 f) {% i) hSEALS reportedly used an HK416 in bin Laden assault
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The biggest secret in the special operations community—what gun did SEALs from "DevGru" kill Osama bin Laden with—has been revealed. Two military gear blogs, citing multiple insider sources, credit the highly reliable HK416 rifle, an M-16 type weapon, with the "double tap" of 5.56 mm bullets to bin Laden's head.9 ]1 P. p- |9 @

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While the military isn't talking about what SEALs from United States Naval Special Warfare Development Group, formerly SEAL Team Six, carried in, two sites—Military Times Gear Scout and Soldier Systems—said the gun used was the German made, Delta Force designed Heckler & Koch rifle used by several militaries.
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"I've just heard from a SOCOM vet," says Military Times "He tells me the stack of SEAL assaulters from Red team that went through Osama bin Laden's bedroom door were running HK416s.") L& Q, C( r8 K( c* x
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Soldier Systems adds that bin Laden "was gunned down using German engineering – the HK416 which was my gut feeling from the very beginning."



    • Ampelmann: 借枪杀人,不是借刀杀人,误用成语,扣分!威望 -1