[社会新闻] 英国准婆婆教训儿媳电邮网上热传

本帖最后由 Ampelmann 于 2011-6-30 19:12 编辑
' e! K  x! U# a& k$ x% B; M# Y7 }
2011年6月30日" i4 x0 w) ~1 D1 c4 E

$ r( s* x, @5 E, l" s& [英国一名准婆婆通过电邮教训尚未过门的儿媳妇不懂规矩礼仪,引起网民追看。rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de4 S0 ~2 v" J  O9 R  R: g3 x* n
人在德国 社区0 `" Y  {  h/ u! r2 \9 Y+ R
! M8 _1 S/ Y/ ^8 Vrs238848.rs.hosteurope.de
5 Z2 Y( `' H( P3 u' t博恩批评海蒂不懂餐桌上的规矩,告诉她要等其他人一起吃饭,不要径自先吃起来;另外,未经主人的邀请,也不能主动添菜。
' n. j  Z  y! v" n$ @+ {5 ^人在德国 社区. Y9 x+ Z" D* D
博恩又责怪海蒂的父母不能承担婚礼的费用,建议未来的儿媳妇最好一切从简,还说“你又不是城堡的主人,有什么资格在城堡里结婚。”rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de8 L: [" \4 B  a: T6 c' \# z

( `( ~# D& x2 z3 j, ~2 N; U
# Y. e: w: t: l. l' Prs238848.rs.hosteurope.deHeidi Withers was the subject of a stinging email rebuke from boyfriend's step-mum
  m0 v0 c9 H/ K1 ?5 Y1 |1 C# W0 _8 u

4 D3 {4 \& O  V
+ k$ D  d8 F& `* _4 mUltimatum ... Carolyn Bourne
0 M6 I3 s, Y) w5 N" N, ?rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de; d& U* p* F' Z* p% l" ?
8 F( t9 d- [) H; J
人在德国 社区1 R* A) A! `( ], n; g# Z! Z2 r

* n9 |) x5 b( o  d. N0 n* O. X; H# A# K. H& @
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3 s) Z* @0 m. u+ k: m人在德国 社区                                                        人在德国 社区, p& W" {& [& M! a; l! ~$ w+ H
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% X8 F/ h% }: ?9 ~2 ?0 ^* F2 @The email# n+ J; o, c9 B* V
  " L1 A, |  m, Z9 k7 g# L
From: Carolyn Bourne
0 |- S3 I6 {2 Z+ d4 P5 K) c5 e7 C' {' @人在德国 社区% a2 y5 ?3 b: s$ f" @- f
To: Heidi Withers
6 N$ w& y( \1 R; {
. u! M' ]$ S3 x4 l人在德国 社区Subject: Your lack of manners! B+ e7 z. G; R
+ Q. P! U  ~, l8 \3 D
WHEN you are a guest in another's house, you do not declare what you will and will not eat - unless you are positively allergic to something.人在德国 社区6 ?, [* F2 {( s

7 L! E1 E3 K) @2 C2 z  B3 K$ d人在德国 社区YOU do not remark that you do not have enough food. You do not start before everyone else. You do not take additional helpings without being invited to by your host.
1 |& N0 O) t& k: f* s0 C* V8 m5 o+ K" |! b+ w9 f$ J. _* p/ m
WHEN a guest in another's house, you do not lie in bed until late morning in households that rise early - you fall in line with house norms., d/ K8 i0 B4 Z7 M0 |$ L  g, s
人在德国 社区/ M/ X6 K2 }3 e( t* r4 o. O2 V/ U" o
YOU should never ever insult the family you are about to join at any time and most definitely not in public. I gather you passed this off as a joke but the reaction in the pub was one of shock, not laughter.人在德国 社区" y0 g' H4 W3 C4 V6 a# ^
/ b: \0 E% q1 R! {: w
YOU regularly draw attention to yourself. Perhaps you should ask yourself why. No one gets married in a castle unless they own it. It is brash, celebrity-style behaviour.3 Q" e4 t  B  s

) h; Q3 \8 j2 x' ?6 V; O6 \; L6 S人在德国 社区I UNDERSTAND your parents are unable to contribute very much towards the cost of your wedding. (There is nothing wrong with that except that convention is such that one might presume they would have saved over the years for their daughters' marriages.) If this is the case, it would be most ladylike and gracious to lower your sights and have a modest wedding as befits both your incomes.
# v  H8 g0 p+ R& [人在德国 社区
# h( C" h8 P. ?! f" ars238848.rs.hosteurope.deONE could be accused of thinking that Heidi Withers must be patting herself on the back for having caught a most eligible young man. I pity Freddie.