昨天收到EBAY的信,说我从事非法活动,把我帐号给封了.搞笑的是,我从来没在EBAY上买过东西,卖过东西.自从注册过就根本没碰过EBAY.谁知道咋回事,怎么解决啊?有没有谁知道EBAY的服务热线啊? 附上EBAY给我的信给大家看看:
Your eBay account has been suspended. eBay took this action after determining that your account was acting inconsistently with the letter or spirit of our policies.
You are prohibited from using eBay in any way. This includes using another existing account or registering a new account.
Any seller fees that are still owed are due to eBay immediately. eBay will charge any amounts that you have not previously disputed to the billing method that is currently on file.