[社会新闻] 胖女人羞于爱爱 胖男人大多无所谓

胖女会羞于爱爱  胖男大多无所谓1 ^* |. Y/ w4 K  h8 C' p0 T5 N
rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de6 \: p; k$ X0 a6 q; V9 x% t
  m9 t! W, s1 v; D. @rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de
4 r! t0 ?& o* V( \  英国一项全国调查发现,生活忙碌跟身材肥胖是夫妻亲密接触的两大杀手。3 A2 g4 u) H* j# U7 P& w
3 q0 Z+ ]* ?6 ^8 k
  调查结果显示,有七成二的英国妇女因为太累而不愿意跟先生亲热。有五成二的妇女则是对自己身材没信心,老觉得自己太胖而不愿意做爱。人在德国 社区" v* W! F2 k  M6 V6 J' w& C
! m, |1 k+ D: [8 t2 a
' b# x9 H5 |% y6 C% z: J+ c4 a% x, A) O% k0 b6 K7 W
Not tonight, dear, I'm feeling too fat: Half of women avoid sex with partners because of their weight
1 d4 O7 M/ p9 Y4 S& h8 k. |0 H/ i+ E; |* Z* T/ x
Last updated at 12:54 AM on 12th March 2011
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More than half of women feel so overweight that they avoid having sex with their partners, a survey shows.
& w) I3 H  O& v( u7 B  z8 S4 Z# f$ P3 N% @; `# h+ V
Some 52 per cent said their lack of confidence in the shape of their bodies made them reluctant to be intimate.
0 \% \) G9 l" G4 c6 V# ors238848.rs.hosteurope.de人在德国 社区0 B- t4 K* j- B+ D% _7 F
Even more blamed tiredness for killing off the prospect of a night of passion.: k! V3 F" t7 o3 }' Y

0 g' Z3 Y& q* s% h: T人在德国 社区
) G2 H: S2 P$ q; H9 `- D9 q! J, d fat-woman.jpg 2 Z- X9 e# {* p6 U

- v9 T9 s. Q  O# U5 frs238848.rs.hosteurope.de胖女人羞于爱爱人在德国 社区! b8 N2 r! R7 q+ e# D9 A2 W
Low confidence: Many women are feeling under pressure to live up to a vision of perfection - which leads to problems in their sex lives
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