[国际新闻] 一名中国公民在巴拉圭机场被抢走百万美金

7 e9 h# u) F5 g0 c8 c* e人在德国 社区人在德国 社区  O- V/ D& F; v  q- Z& V6 c* B2 z
最新消息称,这起抢劫案发生在巴拉圭首都的一个机场的候机大厅,而且就发生在警察的眼皮下。# M/ W1 G3 ~8 F- w

' ]2 y) I6 z/ x0 N8 S人在德国 社区机场警方负责人对媒体表示,当时执勤的警察都对眼前发生这一幕“惊呆了”,5名持枪抢匪抢走了一名中国公民的手提箱,并带着这个“战利品”扬长而去。3 L& M5 Z0 X3 b. B  h2 o6 k
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机场警方负责人萨纳布里亚(Julian Sanabria)说:“他们(抢匪)手持自动步枪,走向一名中国乘客,然后抢走一个装有100多万美元现金的手提箱。我们警察都很惊讶,但由于当时还有150多名乘客等在候机厅,我们无法向他们开火。”# ^# e: q, Z9 T

6 S6 G* l. D9 g* m美联社报导说,据巴拉圭机场警方确认,这位被抢的中国人名叫Don Jon Kin,此人在机场设有一个外汇兑换服务台,他也是巴拉圭居民。7 x, T% ?3 ^$ T
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机场警方说,抢劫案件发生时,Don Jon Kin正准备把两个装有现金的手提箱送到乌拉圭的蒙得维的亚(Montevideo),将其存在一家银行。警方称,很明显这是一次合法的转款。rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de  K9 Q8 H: |: d0 B0 R* ~

8 ]* ^4 Y' u0 w8 J但根据巴拉圭方面的规定,携带巨额现金进入这个国家,必须进行申报。可此案的受害者却从未这样做。$ H( {% [" |( ?- ~
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Man out $1 million in Paraguay airport heist
. i6 V$ D6 |. r7 t4 o. z4 x% PFive alleged robbers with automatic weapons rob Chinese citizen of case人在德国 社区& v0 d) H# g/ c, R2 ]* E5 r

% P# O, I6 a% Y  [/ b+ _; GJuly 31, 2007
; R4 l/ {* w: G0 Srs238848.rs.hosteurope.deASUNCION, Paraguay - Gunmen robbed a Chinese citizen of $1 million on Tuesday during a brazen holdup inside an airport in the Paraguayan capital.
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3 n7 l: l$ S1 I  T2 [) w/ O1 G/ @2 d3 t: YThe heist in an airport boarding area caught police by surprise, and five assailants got away with the booty, police officer Julian Sanabria told reporters.
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. K% S4 \/ }3 u$ G" A“With automatic weapons in hand, they went up to the Chinese passenger and took away the case with a million dollars,” Sanabria said. “We police were all surprised, and also we could not fire because there were 150 passengers waiting in the boarding area at that moment.”
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- t* B, @( {' iThe victim of the robbery, identified by police as Don Jon Kin, owns a currency exchange business at the airport and is a resident of Paraguay.1 k# ~4 u, P/ |! o; h# y

3 T# Y+ P" A& A6 O  S人在德国 社区Police said he was transporting the money to Montevideo, Uruguay, to make a bank deposit in an apparently legal transaction. Large amounts of cash must be declared when entering another country, but in this case the victim never got that far.
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In their haste, the assailants did not take another bag of dollars that was impounded by investigators. Authorities did not disclose how much was in that bag.
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