[长期工作] 博世中国中央研究院招聘 前沿研发高级工程师 博士毕业优先

本帖最后由 妖怪怪 于 2014-5-29 10:02 编辑

Opportunities for scientists & engineers
The Bosch Group is a leading global supplier of technology and services. In the areas of automotive and industrial technology, consumer goods, and building technology, more than 281,000 associates generated sales of 46 billion EUR (390 billion CNY) in fiscal year 2013. The Bosch Group comprises Robert Bosch GmbH and its roughly 350 subsidiaries and regional companies in some 60 countries. This worldwide development, manufacturing, and sales network is the foundation for further growth. Bosch spent some 4.5 billion EUR for research and development in 2013, and applied for over 5000 patents worldwide. With all its products and services, Bosch enhances the quality of life by providing solutions which are both innovative and beneficial.

We Shape the Technology for the Future of Bosch
Within Bosch Corporate Research ~1300 scientist worldwide are analyzing new technology trends and driving research to fill our business units pipelines with innovative technologies. The powerful product development teams of Bosch’s business units (~40.000 R&D staff) are transforming our results into unique products pushing the benchmarks in user experience, sustainability, efficiency and quality fascinating our customers.
Bosch Corporate Research is setting up teams and activities at worldwide locations according to locally established scientific and academic excellence. We are looking for self-dependent and creative scientist to join our rapidly growing activities at our Asian locations:
Shanghai | Electric drive trains, Battery materials, Internet of things & service applications, Smart manufacturing.
Singapore | Power electronics, Energy management, Indoor Air quality, Organic sensor electronics.
Tokyo | Personal mobility, Solutions for elderly society, Trend scouting in material & industrial technologies.

Position in Shanghai:
E-powertrain System Research Engineer电动动力系统研究工程师
E-drive System Research Engineer 电驱动系统研究工程师
Powertrain System Optimization Research Engineer 动力系统优化研究工程师
Driver Assistance /Automated Driving Research Engineer 驾驶辅助 / 自动驾驶研究工程师
Research Scientist – Cloud Computing Technology for Internet of Things & Services
Research Scientist – Computer Vision for Automotive Applications
Research Scientist – Middleware Technology for Internet of Things & Services
Research Scientist – New Application Development for Internet of Things & Services

具体职位信息见附件。 对以上职位有意并有疑问者,请私信,对其他问题不做解答,请谅解。

Ausschreibung RTC-Shanghai k.pdf (445.71 KB)

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