- 积分
- 1092
- 威望
- 11
- 金钱
- 0
- 阅读权限
- 70
- 在线时间
- 206 小时

[出租求租] 提醒:租房诈骗!我今天遇到了,最近租房的要当心啊!
就是在网上的一个房源信息,地段和房子巨好,租金很便宜。网上只留了房主的邮件。我写信过去问了一下,使用英语回的。“房主”说,他现在人在国外,只想找合适的人把房子出租。包家具包水电包停车位,在 Anna Str那个巨好的小区,一个月480欧。我看到他的回信觉得有点奇怪,因为他英语复数不加s。。。。然后我今天还去Anna Str他说的住址去溜达了一圈,发现根本没有空的房子,信箱上也没有他的名字。
我把骗子的信还有邮箱贴出来,大家不要上当呀~~ 顺便说一句:房子真难找啊 55555. 请教Aachen有经验的同学,熬到11月中旬,再租房会比较容易些么?
from Bernard Larry bernard.larry38@yahoo.com
First of all I'm sorry for the late reply but I had a lot to work and this is the time I could give you a message. From the site add, you could see, that the apartment located in: Annastraße 56,52062 Aachen Aachen. It is located on the 2rd floor. It has 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom, 1 kitchen and 1 living room .
I am looking for someone to live in it, as soon as possible, because my company has won the auction for a project, in construction, for a building that will rise up in Bucharest / Rumania. I am a civil engineer, so my accommodation period in Bucharest,Rumania will be about 8 years. The minim rent is 2 months up to 8 years. As a result of this I want to rent, for this period, at this price and also to find the perfect person for my apartment. I`m the owner of the apt and it's like in the pics.
The apartment is fully furnished, but I have the option of sending all my furniture into storage if you want to bring your own (no extra costs). The rent for 1 month is 380 Euro, but you must to deposit 760 euro for 380 euro one month for rent + 380 euro KAUTION (for the whole apartment) including all utilities (water, electricity, Internet, cable, parking, air conditioning, fireplace, dishwasher, garbage disposal, microwave, refrigerator). You can move in the apt in the same day when you receive the keys. The only problem is that I`m the only person who has the keys but I hope that we will find a solution.
Thank you for your interest and I will look forward to hearing from you soon.
Good luck,
Bernard Larry
P.S. Please tell me if this is what are you looking for and reply my only if you are truly interested in the aptartment. |