[国际新闻] 高龄祖母自家种大麻治病 法院判罪

3 K0 |% P( i* p, c: O  L8 Brs238848.rs.hosteurope.de
& x/ n; `) U6 X% y    2005年9月警方接获线报前往塔布朗家中搜查,发现她在衣橱内栽种四株大麻,厨房的置物罐内并有已经磨成粉末的大麻,总价值达八百五十英镑。塔布朗在烹煮咖哩、煮汤、炖肉及制作饼干时,都会加入大麻粉,并与邻居朋友分享。地方人士都知道这位大麻阿嬷。' _% i7 ?8 u; m6 P1 _! k" f4 w
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Grandmother who 'cooked with cannabis' denies possession
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A 68-year-old grandmother who "passionately" believes in using cannabis to relieve pain went before a judge and jury today charged with growing and possessing the drug.6 o& I  t% m1 O" T' M
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Patricia Tabram denies one count of possession and one of cultivating cannabis.
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7 l0 `! b; t# f! qrs238848.rs.hosteurope.deTabram cooperated with police when they raided her home in the sleepy village of Humshaugh, near Hexham, in September 2005, and directed officers to a bedroom where cannabis plants were growing in a wardrobe. She also told police there was powdered cannabis stored in jars in her kitchen to be used in cooking, the court heard.
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' ^" }( `2 F5 W4 \/ L6 Q: j% K: ^$ I; BDuring the raid, police seized four plants, growing equipment and the powdered form of the drug which the prosecution claims was for her personal use.
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Tom Moran, prosecuting, told Carlisle Crown Court: "Mrs Tabram is somebody who passionately believes in the use of cannabis as a way of relieving pain.
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+ T* l+ A  ^1 @, p2 R) N人在德国 社区"She says she suffers symptoms from various unfortunate health problems that are, she says, not alleviated by conventional medicine.
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# k; y+ J  H/ Y"She believes she should be able to take cannabis to do what conventional medicine cannot do." Tabram is believed to use the drug to alleviate the symptoms of tinnitus, whiplash and depression.
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1 g" l0 i2 P1 D* r# r. lMr Moran reminded the jury of six men and six women that they were not there to debate legalisation of cannabis, however.* M  J' l  W: T; K9 c* W

3 |0 @9 Y! j3 }; QHe said: "You are not here to debate whether the law should be changed, you are here to apply the law as it stands at the moment."rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de' `! e7 z0 N/ g! ?/ [9 V) |

) ~  T) g% f! `) R# w, y- f* z( A* \  hSgt Alan Clement was part of the police raid. Under cross-examination by Tabram, who is defending herself, he admitted she had asked him to seize the contents of her freezer.% q+ b, [: O6 _# p! _( M" g  j
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He said: "I cannot remember exactly this conversation but it would be to the effect we were not going to take food out of your freezer."人在德国 社区! z0 p" V- i' h

( s2 H" D" W7 u, q8 o/ iThe pensioner replied: "The reason I asked you to please take it was, I believe, if you had gone back to the police station with 22 boxes of curries, casseroles, biscuits, cake and ice cream, this would have proved to the Crown Prosecution Service that I only use cannabis to cook.": ~$ Q! a, P0 ~" c; |( y1 C

* O! {: A; N+ q. OThere was a ripple of laughter in the courtroom when the defendant pointed out that a police statement read out by the prosecution was dated September 11, 2005, five days before the raid took place., n2 K, {* T9 n- v2 |

2 L4 m0 I1 _. w) t人在德国 社区The prosecution said it will investigate why the document was wrongly dated.
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The case was adjourned until tomorrow morning.

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Patricia Tabram

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