[国际新闻] 英国17岁媒体巨头 拒绝850万英镑卖网站

英国格洛斯特郡切尔滕纳姆市17岁男孩尼克·科蒂斯从12岁开始,就独自创办了一家全球青少年新闻网站,在过去18个月中,这家网站赢得了8900万人次的点击率,每月广告收入已经达到2500英镑。当英国广播公司表示欲出850万英镑的价格收购尼克的这家网站时,遭到了尼克的一口回绝! 人在德国 社区+ S3 \* J8 h3 R. y, j$ H7 _5 k
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  12岁创办新闻网站 8 W1 |$ f+ @. s& {
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" _% L6 t7 h9 @/ I# m, J  据悉,尼克的网站创办之初,一开始每月只有100个人光顾;但现在,这家网站已经成了全球最受欢迎的青少年新闻网站之一。尼克的网站每个月要向读者提供1000个青少年新闻故事,在过去18个月中,这家网站的点击率竟然达到8900万人次,网站每月的广告收入也迅速增加到2500英镑。 rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de# _2 o# a" [6 v% ]

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, p; g. X' M* Q' `  17岁的尼克显然希望自己能成为像鲁珀特·默多克一样的媒体大亨,所以当英国广播公司表示想以850万英镑的高价收购下尼克的这家网站时,竟然遭到了他的一口拒绝。尼克称,他现在并不需要金钱,该网站每月的广告收入,也全都是用于网站的建设。 ) h6 E3 L2 C  |9 |$ M
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  尽管为网站忙得不可开交,但尼克每天仍然必须抽时间完成他的家庭作业,并且每周还要到一家电器连锁店中打工10小时。尼克说:“我想要读大学,并在将来为年轻人的事业而工作,也许我还会出国。”& s3 ^0 T+ Z: r: M" R  l! z5 A4 M$ O
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Teen turns down £8.5m
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A Cheltenham teenager has reportedly turned down £8.5million to sell his website.人在德国 社区. M# \: ?1 D: U
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Nick Coates, 17, runs Sharpenews, a global news site aimed at young people, reports the Sun.
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. n' R" s, E" y0 B! brs238848.rs.hosteurope.deIt has had 89million hits in 18 months and rakes in £2,500 a month from advertisers.
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Several firms have made big offers but Nick insists he doesn’t need the money.
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He said: "I could walk away with about £4million - but I'm not interested in that at the moment."
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' Q' s; {4 H& P# K: C6 ZNick started the site when he was just 12. It now has 70 contributors worldwide and has won awards including website of the year.
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He is also studying for four A-levels and even works ten hours a week at a local electrical goods store.
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